It's happening - UK Government will be able to SPY on ALL your online activity

INVESTIGATORY POWERS BILL will force online companies operating in the UK to store an itemised history of users' browsing data for one year – and will allow the UK Government to request smartphone manufacturers to hack into people's devices.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Prime Minister Theresa May is a strong advocate for the Investigatory Powers BillGETTY

Prime Minister Theresa May is a strong advocate for the Investigatory Powers Bill

The House of Lords has passed the Investigatory Powers Bill.

The Lords were the final hurdle for the controversial legislation – dubbed Snoopers' Charter 2 – leaving the path clear for the spying powers to become law within weeks.

The news comes as the Government refused to budge over its proposed new surveillance powers by rejecting for a second time amendments from peers linked to phone hacking.

Solicitor General Robert Buckland insisted it would be "simply not appropriate" to include within the Investigatory Powers Bill changes designed to ensure costs are awarded against newspaper and media organisations in phone hacking cases.

Peers have repeatedly sought to amend the Bill so it implements a key part of the Leveson Inquiry report by offering "protection" over costs for victims of press intrusion. But MPs voted to reject the latest Lords amendments by 295 votes to 245, majority 50.

The Investigatory Powers Bill – which will force internet service providers to keep itemised records on their customers' browsing data for up to a year – has been bitterly fought by privacy campaigners and major technology companies, .

It could put us into an extreme position of monitoring our citizens

Steven Woolfe, UKIP MEP

When the Bill receives Royal Assent, it will be ratified into law and the UK Government will have the power to force technology companies to hack into – or break into – devices they have sold so they can be used to spy on people.

Apple CEO Tim Cook previously stated that this change would make customers unsafe.

"Any back door is a back door for everyone," Mr Cook said. 

"Everybody wants to crack down on terrorists. Everybody wants to be secure. The question is how. 

"Opening a back door can have very dire consequences.

"We don't think people want us to read their messages. We don't feel we have the right to read their emails.

"To protect people who use any products, you have to encrypt. You can just look around and see all the data breaches that are going on."

The Apple CEO has warned the Investigatory Powers Bill would leave Britons vulnerableGETTY

The Apple CEO has warned the Investigatory Powers Bill would leave Britons vulnerable

One of the first amendments made to the Investigatory Powers Bill by MPs was a measure to ensure they could not be spied on.

Labour has repeatedly raised objections to the sweeping powers granted by the so-called Snoopers Charter, it has not voted against the bill.

Speaking during the debates in Parliament, Lib Dem MP Nick Clegg said: "The implications of this are very big indeed.

"It is that the government believes as a matter of principle that every innocent act of communication online must leave a trace for future possible interrogation by the state. 

"No other country in the world feels the need to do this apart from Russia."

UKIP MEP Steven Woolfe has previously told BBC Daily Politics he was "deeply concerned" by the Investigatory Powers Bill.

He added that it "could put us into an extreme position of monitoring our citizens".

Addressing the Investigatory Powers Bill, Amnesty International said: "If it becomes law, will violate the human rights of every single person in the UK.

100 million cars vulnerable to simple hack, scientists say

"All UK citizens will be put under surveillance. Your internet history will be filed and stored. Your emails and and messages will be processed even read and stored. 

"And it’s not only the spooks who’ll be poking around, as the police, councils and others will be in on some of the pot. 

"Mass surveillance of this kind is a human rights abuse, and who knows how your data could be used if that information got into the wrong hands? 

"Who’s to say that these are the right ones?"

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