Internet SHUTDOWN - Google plans 'leap second' to avoid New Years Eve internet BLACKOUT

GOOGLE is hoping to avoid the potential of a new Millennium Bug – dubbed Y2K – by adding an extra second to 2016, avoiding a computer meltdown on New Years Eve 2016.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The extra second could cause computers to overload after mistakenly believing time is going backwardsGETTY • EXPRESS NEWSPAPERS

Extra seconds can cause computers to overload after mistakenly believing time is going backwards

Google is hoping that an extra second will help it avoid disaster at the end of 2016.

The additional second, dubbed leap second, is necessary because our planet's rotation is susceptible to small, unpredictable changes.

Leap seconds allow atomic clocks, which are regulated by the vibrations of an atomic or molecular system, to keep sync with Earth's orbit.

However computer systems are unable to handle a 61-second minute, which could spell disaster for the systems we rely on.

Thankfully Google has created its own "long seconds" to ensure machines are able to handle the leap second at the end of 2016.

Dubbed "smeared time", the US technology company detailed in a blog post how it plans to stretch-out 20 hours' worth of seconds to build-up the additional time – instead of adding a single second on the evening of December 31st.

Each of these 72,000 stretched seconds will be around 0.0014 per cent longer than a standard second.

Google's ingenious solution will be applied to its own Network Time Protocol, NTP, which will allow the company to keep all machines that use its servers up-to-date with the extra second on New Years Eve.

Without its "smeared time" system, computer systems around the globe could fail.

Machines unprepared for the leap second could perceive the additional second as time going backwards, which could cause a system error that overloads the CPU.

Technical Lead on Google's Time Team, Michael Shields said: "No commonly used operating system is able to handle a minute with 61 seconds, and trying to special-case the leap second has caused many problems in the past.

"Instead of adding a single extra second to the end of the day, we'll run the clocks 0.0014 per cent slower across the ten hours before and ten hours after the leap second, and 'smear' the extra second across these twenty hours. For timekeeping purposes, December 31 will seem like any other day."

Google will be implementing GETTY

Google will be implementing "smear time" in an effort to keep its servers online

The 2016 leap second was announced by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), who are responsible for recommending the addition of leap seconds to international time.

The international group of time keepers said people can expect clocks to read 11:59:60 instead of 11:59:59.

Other systems may show 11:59:59 twice as the leap second takes effect.

Leap seconds have some vocal opponents, most prominently among online businesses.

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Back in 2012, number of hugely-popular websites – including Reddit, Yelp, and LinkedIn – went down for a period of time, which some suggested was triggered by the addition of a leap second.

Subsystems reportedly got confused by the sudden time change, which caused hyperactivity on certain servers. 

As systems struggled to cope with the sudden surge in activity – websites started to collapse under the strain.

As a result, there are fears the same problem could happen again on New Years Eve with the addition of a new second. Stock markets are also wary of mishaps.

The news comes as security vendor LogRhythm has forecast that a .

According to , the cause will not simply be a technical glitch that stops internet users uploading selfies on Instagram. It's going to be a large-scale cyberattack. "In 2017, we're going to see it hit big sometime, somewhere," Mr Carder told Business Insider "If the internet goes down, financial markets will tank."

According to the security expert, there were signs throughout 2016 that online criminals were "testing missiles, by shooting them into the ocean."

"We saw the massive DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) against DynDNS just a couple of months ago," he added.

"That DDoS attack took down sites like Twitter and Spotify for a few hours. We saw a similar DDoS hit Brian Krebs before the attack against Dyn.

"These were really just tests.

"If you can prove that you can take down massive sites and a large chunk of the US internet for a few hours, a 24-hour outage seems pretty easy to do."

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