Shocking snaps show Bear raiding cabin in search of snacks

IF YOU go down to the woods today – you're sure of a BIG surprise.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The real-life Yogi Bear clambered into the cabin in search of a picnic  The real-life Yogi Bear clambered into the cabin in search of a picnic [CATERS]

These staggering pictures show the terrifying moment a hungry BEAR broke into a log cabin in search of some grub.

But there was no porridge in sight as the brazen brown bear slashed the thin, material screen covering a window – and CLAMBERED inside.

Real-life Goldilocks Lauren Wilson was eating a sandwich in the boating cabin in the Grand Teton national park, in Wyoming when the bear emerged from the woods.

Ms Wilson, 30, who works as a boat captain in the picturesque park first noticed the bear as it plodded towards the cabin's front door.

She said: "My suspicion is the bear had food on its mind.

"I was eating a sandwich at the time so I believe it approached the cabin in search of a free meal - maybe it could smell my sandwich and wanted a bite.

 The brazen bear was desperate to investigate the log cabin – as Lauren Wilson was left trapped inside The brazen bear was desperate to investigate the log cabin – as Lauren Wilson was trapped inside [CATERS]

"I had no bear spray on me and guns are not allowed in a national park so I just had to stand my ground.

I yelled at it and banged pots and pans together to try scare it off, but that didn't work

Lauren Wilson

"I yelled at it and banged pots and pans together to try scare it off, but that didn't work".

In search of a tasty picnic, the real-life Yogi Bear pawed at the cabin's window – splitting it wide enough to climb inside.

But rather than flee the cabin, Ms Wilson decided to grin and BEAR it – staying to take these stunning photos.

Brave Laura said: "I was definitely on edge, but I never thought that it was going to attack.

"If you find yourself in a situation like that, it's important to stay as calm as possible to think rationally.

After slashing the material covering the cabin windows – the brown bear lumbers inside with Lauren After slashing the material covering the cabin windows – the brown bear lumbers inside with Lauren [CATERS]

"I figured since I couldn't leave immediately and the bear seemed to want to stay put despite my efforts to scare it away, that I'd snap some pictures.

"Luckily the park rangers arrived and successfully got it out of the cabin without much of a fuss. 

"The bear made a bit of mess whilst it was foraging in the cabin, but it got no food in the end, so hopefully he saw that as a failure"

Three people have died in America from brown bear attacks, so far this year.

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