Rosetta Mission: Historic Philae probe is STUCK IN A CRATER as it beams back first image

PHILAE, the European spacecraft that made an historic descent to a comet, is resting at an angle in the shadow of a crater wall, it has emerged.

By Aaron Brown , Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The very first image from Rosetta's Philae probeAP

The very first image from Rosetta's Philae probe

It landed more than half-a-mile from its planned site and one of its three legs appears to be suspended in space. 

Scientists are frantically trying to establish exactly where the probe ended up on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, a 2.5 mile rugged lump of ice and dust more than 300 million miles from Earth.

However the fact that it is in the shadow of a wall could seriously hamper its ability to generate electricity from its solar panels. 

It now has just 60 hours of battery and faces a race to send back data from the mission. 

However this morning it released its first image and is still in radio contact although it is not known whether it will be able to drill into the surface of the comet. 

Philae was released from its Rosetta mothership and descended as planned to a relatively flat area on the smaller of one of the comet's two lobes.

However two harpoons that were supposed to anchor the craft to the surface failed to deploy and the probe bounced a kilometre (0.6 miles) into space, remaining suspended above the comet for nearly two hours.

Rosetta space probe heads to cometEPA REUTERS GETTY

An artist's impression of what the moment the space probe heads to the comet could look like

We will have to rely fully on the harpoons at touchdown. We'll need some luck not to land on a boulder or a steep slope

Stephen Ulamec, Philae lander manager

Drawn by the comet's ultra-low gravity, it slowly fell again and bounced a second time before finally coming to rest - apparently to one side of a large crater.

Speaking at ESA's mission control centre in Darmstadt, Germany, lander scientist Professor Jean-Pierre Bibring, said: "We are below a cliff.

"Don't ask me how many metres, but very close by.

"Because of that we are in a sort of a shadow permanently, and that is a problem ...

"We're almost vertical; one foot probably is in open space and two feet are on the surface."

Pointing to a large image of the comet, he added: "It could be that we are somewhere in the rim of this crater, which could explain this bizarre orientation."

The scientists revealed that the probe could theoretically "hop" to a better position by moving its landing gear.

But this was unlikely to be attempted because of the amount of power it would drain.

Yesterday's landing at around 4pm marked the climax of a decade-long mission – and the first time in human history a spacecraft has landed on a comet.

Rosetta reached the chosen comet – which spans roughly 1.8-by-3.10 mile rock discovered in 1969 – this August after a journey of 4 billion miles that took 10 years, five months and four days.

The Rosetta craft had to slingshot three times around Earth and once around Mars to work up enough speed to chase down the comet – which is speeding through our galaxy at 41,000 mph.

The Rosetta successfully separated with the Philae lander yesterday morning – sending the small probe on a seven-hour descent towards the comet.

Scientists were left with no control over the probe's trajectory – relying instead on automated systems, precision programming, the pull of gravity – and "luck".

Philae lander manager Stephen Ulamec had said: "The cold gas thruster on top of the lander does not appear to be working so we will have to rely fully on the harpoons at touchdown.

"We'll need some luck not to land on a boulder or a steep slope."

But at 4:00pm the box-shaped 220-pound lander touched down on the enormous comet – flying through outer-space some 300 million miles from Earth.

Experts hope studying the inhospitable mountains and ice-filled craters of the comet will help to unlock the secrets of our how life started on our planet.

Rosetta captures a photo of the Philae lander falling towards the target after a separation BARCROFT

Rosetta captures a photo of the Philae lander falling towards the target after the separation

A picture of the 1.8-by-3.10 mile comet taken by the Rosetta  REUTERS

A picture of the 1.8-by-3.10 mile comet taken by the Rosetta

The Philae probe landing on the comet - artists impressionESA

ARTISTS IMPRESSION: The Philae probe landing on the Comet

Dr Daniel Brown, an expert in astronomy at Nottingham Trent University, said yesterday: "Even before the landing, just seeing images from both Philae and Rosetta is unbelievably awe inspiring. 

"This is what science is all about, pushing the limits of what we believe is feasible, making the impossible possible, and being ambitious in what we want to achieve.

“What really nails this experience for me are the images. 

Having sensors telling you all is normal or the landing gear is in position is good, but actually seeing the images coming back showing a fully functional lander is mind-blowing. 

“Having touched down now means we have more or less 60 hours of battery charge to gather as much data as possible from the comet. Then the lander will default to its solar powered battery and a less intensive analysis. 

“Especially exciting will be getting the results of the samples recovered from below the surface and seeing their chemical composition. But again the images are what makes me feel that we are entering the unknown. We have indeed taken another leap for mankind.”

Engineers working on the three-legged lander had to design the probe without knowing what type of terrain they would find on the comet's surface. 

Philae lander pictured descending on 'luck' toward the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet after a successful separationGETTY

Philae lander pictured descending on 'luck' toward the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet

An artist's impression of the comet hovering over London to show its scaleTWITTER

An artist's impression of the comet hovering over London to show its scale

Rosetta has been taking pictures of the comet and collecting samples from its atmosphere as it approached the sun – revealed it was not as smooth as initially hoped, making yesterday's landing substantially tricky.

The surface is also more dusty than expected, limiting light needed to charge its solar panels and power 

Comets come from the formation of Earth's 4.6-billion-year-old solar system. 

Scientists believe they may have brought much of the water in Earth's oceans – as well as filling the seas with water, minerals and complex organic material many believe contributed to kickstarting life on our planet.

The chosen landing site, named Agilka after an island in the Nile, was picked as the least hazardous of five possible candidates.

The majority of Comet 67P is covered with deep pits, craggy cliffs, sheer peaks, craters and boulders – some bigger than houses.

The Rosetta spacecraft, designed and developed by the European Space Agency along with NASA, first launched in 2004 and cost more than £1billion.

Dr Brown added: “What a mission and what a challenge. 

"Rosetta has already made history by orbiting its target and gathering the most detailed information so far on the composition of the comet's nucleus, the chemical composition of the gaseous coma surrounding the nucleus, and a detailed surface map of the nucleus. 

"Now it is vital to analyse the comet’s interior, since it contains the initial composition of the solar system from when it was formed 4.5 billion years ago. 

"It might also contain amino acids such as glycine and other complex molecules. 

"These results will allow us to improve models for the solar system and to better understand how a planet becomes habitable. 

“Viewers are extremely privileged to be granted this insight into space history being written. 

"The first mission to land on a comet, you can’t get more ambitious that that – or can you?

“Next steps for European space exploration will be visiting the icy moons of Jupiter and deploying a telescope looking for gravitational waves detectable as tiny ripples in space time.”

Slooh astronomer Bob Berman added: “This is the most exciting spacecraft mission since Cassini reached Saturn a decade ago.

"Comet 67P is heading toward its encounter with the Sun next summer, and as it does so its ices will sublimate, pebbles and dust will be released.

"Some as dramatic geysers from the comet’s surface, and now we have a spacecraft right there sending us pictures and videos of the whole thing. 

"It’s unbelievable and this makes the attempted landing on its surface critically important, and nail-bitingly perilous.”

Watch the Rosetta Spacecraft mission travel to the comet – an animated journey

This video below shows an animation that charts the Rosetta mission's journey from Earth to the spacecraft's landing on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

It shows Philae still on Rosetta, which will come to within about 22.5 km of the centre of the nucleus to release the lander tomorrow.

The animation then shows Philae being ejected by Rosetta and deploying its own three legs, and follows the lander’s descent until it reaches the target site on the comet about seven hours later.

The animation is speeded up, but the comet rotation is true: in the time it takes for Philae to descend, the nucleus has rotated by more than 180º (the comet’s rotation period is 12.4 hours).

The final steps of Philae’s descent towards the comet are shown as seen by a hypothetical observer close to the landing site on the comet.

Journey to the surface of a comet

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