'You should be ashamed' Truss erupts at Russian ambassador and kicks him out of talks

LIZ TRUSS read the Russian Ambassador the riot act this afternoon after Moscow ordered troops into Ukraine.

Russian ambassador leaves Foreign Office after meeting Truss

The Foreign Secretary summoned the diplomat to express the UK's anger at Russia for launching an invasion on a European democracy. President Vladimir Putin ordered a major assault by land, sea and air, on Ukraine overnight in the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two.

Multiple fatalities were reported as missiles were launched in a number of cities across the country.

Western leaders had warned Russia against an attack saying devastating economic sanctions would be imposed if an incursion was launched.

Berating the Russian ambassador this afternoon, Ms Truss said Russia had dashed all credibility on the world stage.

She then ended the meeting early, ordering the diplomat to leave the building.


Liz Truss summoned the Russian ambassador this afternoon

Liz Truss summoned the Russian ambassador this afternoon (Image: PA)

A Foreign Office source said: "It was a heated meeting.

"Liz Truss kicked him out early.

"Said he should be ashamed of himself, that Russia has lied repeatedly and lost its last shred of credibility with the international community."

The Foreign Secretary has promised to stand up for Ukraine and to "hold the Russian government to account".

"We are urgently convening discussions with our allies and partners to co-ordinate our response. Together we will hold the Russian government to account," she said.

"We have always been clear there would be massive consequences and a severe cost for any Russian military incursion into Ukraine.

READ MORE: Switzerland stays neutral, REFUSES to sanction Russia

Russian troops entered Ukraine overnight

Russian troops entered Ukraine overnight (Image: PA)

Multiple fatalities have been recorded

Multiple fatalities have been recorded (Image: GETTY)

"As a result of their actions, we will today launch an unprecedented package of further sanctions that we have developed with our international partners.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: "The Foreign Secretary said the Russian government had repeatedly lied about having no plans to invade Ukraine, and its unprovoked aggression had made it an international pariah.

"She condemned Russia’s outrageous attack on Ukraine as a clear breach of international law."

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A full-scale invasion is underway by Moscow

A full-scale invasion is underway by Moscow (Image: PA)

The spokesperson added that Ms Truss warned "Russia should expect a long, protracted conflict that would inflict a huge human, economic and political cost on the Russian government".

We will continue to support the Ukrainian government in the face of this assault on their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"The UK and the international community stand against this naked aggression and for freedom, democracy, and the sovereignty of nations around the world.

"We hold the people of Ukraine in our hearts and minds at this terrible moment in their nation's history."

Russia v Ukraine

Russia v Ukraine (Image: EXPRESS)

Western allies are working together to present a united front in the face of the military offensive launched by Russia.

The EU also summoned Russia's ambassador to the bloc today to demand an immediate end to Russia's military actions in Ukraine.

In the meeting with the ambassador, the EU conveyed its "strongest condemnation of the unprovoked, unjustified invasion of Ukraine and the demand to cease military operations immediately, and unconditionally withdraw all forces and military equipment from the entire territory of Ukraine", the EU's diplomatic service EEAS said.

The UK, EU and US are expected to unveil co-ordinated further sanctions later today.

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