Corbyn FINALLY shows respect to the Queen as he obeys convention at Buckingham Palace

JEREMY CORBYN shunned his favoured 'jumble sale suit' as he FINALLY showed respect to the Queen as he obeyed convention at tonight’s State banquet.

By Rebecca PerringRichard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Jeremy Corbyn dons ill-fitting white tie suit IG SKY NEWS•REUTERS

Jeremy Corbyn dons ill-fitting white tie suit

The new Labour leader is an anti-monarchist and refused to sing the National Anthem in the early days of his leadership.

He has come under fire for his dated fashion sense on numerous occasions, from his loose fitting blazers to his socks and sandals combination.

But tonight the Opposition leader donned a white tie for a state banquet at Buckingham Palace, confounding speculation that he might ignore the recommended dress code and wear an ordinary lounge suit instead. 

Although the left-wing politician looked like a fish out of water in his ill-fitting outfit. 

Jeremy Corbyn surprised his critics by following the dress code IG SKY NEWS

Jeremy Corbyn surprised his critics by following the dress code

I dress what I believe to be in a comfortable way. I like to be respectful to other people

Jeremy Corbyn

The evening is thought to have included Mr Corbyn's first ever meeting with the Queen when she greeted guests – but no cameras were allowed to film the receiving line.

It comes after he was stripped of his "Right Honourable" title following his snub of the Queen's invite to the join the first meeting of the Privy Council since the summer holidays.

He dined roughly a third of the way down the left side of the horseshoe-shaped arrangement across the table from the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney.

On one side of Mr Corbyn was Wang Yajun of the Chinese foreign ministry and on the other Gilly Yarrow, wife of the Lord Mayor of London.

The 66-year-old has been fiercely mocked for looking less like the razor-sharp politician ready to represent Britain on an international stage, but rather channelling the "homeless person given ill-fitting charity suit" look. 

Earlier this month, he was photographed committing the ultimate fashion faux pas - wearing a red pair socks with black sandals

Defending his choice of attire, at the time, he said: " I dress what I believe to be in a comfortable way. I like to be respectful to other people.

Corbyn meets Chinese President Xi JinpingPA

Corbyn meets Chinese President Xi Jinping

"Certainly some of my close friends in my constituency said I looked very smart." 

However, tonight, his unique sense of style slipped down on the agenda when he grilled the Chinese leader over human rights and the dumping of cheap steel. 

The pair met before the banquet in the 1844 Room - the same grand room where the Duke of Cambridge earlier called on the Chinese leader. 

They shook hands cordially, with Mr Corbyn placing his other hand on top and telling Mr Xi: "It's very nice to meet you. I look forward to our meeting."

The left-wing leader then introduced his small delegation to the Communist leader including shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn and shadow business secretary Angela Eagle. 

Mr Corbyn and the president took their seats in identical chairs as Mr Xi expressed his congratulations on his election as Labour leader, adding: "We stand ready to work together with Britain" on financial matters and on friendship.

The Labour statement, thought likely to have been agreed with the Chinese delegation, described the meeting as “cordial and constructive”.

The Labour leader grilled the Chinese leader over human rights PA

The Labour leader grilled the Chinese leader over human rights

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