Prince Charles and Camilla wow crowds in Havana

PRINCE Charles got into the ring with young Cuban boxers yesterday to find out how the country punches above its weight in the sport.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles and Camilla

Prince Charles and Camilla The Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall charmed the Cubans they met. (Image: GETTY)

The heir to the throne, still fit at 70, did not throw a punch but could equally boast they never laid a glove on him.

Charles stopped off at Rafael Trejo gym and met youngsters during a training session.

Heavyweight Noel Hernandez said: “It was a real honour to meet somebody as famous and important as the Prince of Wales and that he took an interest in our gym.”

The Prince asked the boxers about their diet and training regime.

“Do you eat salads and protein?” asked Charles, who has won plaudits for staying in shape after pictures were published of him on the beach in just a pair of shorts in Barbados.

“I suppose you enjoy beating our British boxers?”

Charles joked while feigning raising his gloves.

The visit came as Charles and Camilla were mobbed on a walk around Old Havana on the first full day of their historic four-day tour of Cuba yesterday.

Prince Charles and Camilla in Havana, Cuba

Prince Charles and Camilla in Havana, Cuba (Image: GETTY)

The couple, who arrived in the Cuban capital on Sunday, are making the first official royal visit at the request of the British Government, which wants to increase trade with the communist island nation.

The Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall charmed the Cubans they met in Old Havana, a Unesco World Heritage Site.

In Arms Square, close to the site where the Spanish established the city in 1519, Camilla chatted to a group of US tourists who asked her about the Duchess of Sussex’s baby, due at the end of next month.

Mimi Ricketts, 50, from St Louis, Missouri, asked her: “Are you excited?” Camilla replied: “Very much so.”

Prince Charles and Camilla visit Havana during royal trip to Cuba

As the Duchess made her way through the crowd, she came face to face with a “living statue” who gave her a rose.

Earlier she carried a parasol to shield her from the sun in the 85F heat while Charles tried to keep cool in a shirt, tie and suit.

At one point he stepped into a barber’s shop, Salon Correa, and sat down in an original 1950s chair.

Prince Charles and Camilla in Cuba

Charles and Camilla on a walk around Old Havana on the first full day of the tour. (Image: GETTY)

Owner Josephine Nando tried to persuade him to have a haircut.

“Please, just a little bit,” she begged.

“No, no,” the Prince replied before confessing: “I’ve just come in here for the air-conditioning.”

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