Prince Andrew ‘bewildered’ by FBI claim as ‘he hasn’t been approached' over Epstein case

A furious Prince Andrew is "bewildered" at claims from a US prosecutor that he is refusing to co-operate with the FBI over the Jeffrey Epstein case.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

prince andrew

The Duke is said to be determined to cooperate (Image: Getty)

“Nothing could be further from the truth,” a source close to the Duke of York said last night. “The Duke is more than happy to talk to the FBI but he hasn’t been approached by them yet.” The latest crisis engulfing the prince comes after US Attorney Geoffrey Berman revealed the Queen’s second son had provided “zero cooperation” – despite being asked by the FBI and prosecutors to submit to an interview voluntarily. He has come under fire for his friendship with the US financier – a convicted sex offender who took his own life in a jail cell last August, while awaiting trial on sex trafficking and conspiracy charges.

The source said: “He is angry about the way this is being portrayed and bewildered as to why this was said in New York.

“The Duke is not under any obligation to talk to lawyers representing alleged victims of Epstein at the moment but he is totally willing to talk to any law enforcement agencies be they the police or FBI.”

In what was considered a “car crash” interview for the duke last November, he told the BBC’s Emily Maitlis he was willing to help the authorities into the investigation of Epstein.

The source said: “A week hasn’t gone by since then when he hasn’t had extensive meetings with his lawyers at Royal Lodge and Buckingham Palace preparing for such a meeting.

“The Duke accepts he made a big mistake by continuing to see Epstein after he was convicted, and for not showing sufficient empathy for the girls involved.

“He is desperate to make up for it and is committed to the legal process.”

The Duke is said to be determined to cooperate so that he can concentrate on assisting his mother the Queen in the wake of Harry and Meghan’s departure.

“He wants to clear things up so that he can continue to support the Queen in her hour of need,” the source said.

“She has obviously had a bad year with Prince Philip frail at 98 and Harry and Meghan leaving for Canada.


Epstein, 69, was found hanged in his cell where he was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges (Image: Getty)

“The Duke has always been the Queen’s favourite and she is relying on him a lot behind the scenes.”

If Prince Andrew did not cooperate with the FBI inquiry he would risk becoming embroiled in a diplomatic row with the United States.

The US authorities could make a formal request to Britain to interview him as part of an investigation into the activities of his late friend Epstein if he did not cooperate voluntarily.

They might be forced to make a formal Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) request to the UK, allowing cooperation between states when evidence needs to be gathered in a prosecution or investigation into potential criminal offences.

Andrew, 59, also risks being subpoenaed to give evidence if he ever sets foot in the US.

Epstein, 69, was found hanged in his cell where he was awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.

Mr Berman, US Attorney for the southern district of New York, has said investigators are looking at possible “conspirators” who worked with Epstein in his sexual abuse of young women and girls.

Lisa Bloom, a US lawyer representing five of Epstein’s alleged victims, said it was time for Andrew to “stop playing games” and do the right thing.


The Duke enjoyed partying with Epstein but has denied any wrongdoing (Image: Getty)

The Duke, who enjoyed partying with Epstein but had denied any wrongdoing, has previously insisted he is willing to give evidence to police on either side of the Atlantic investigating the scandal.

He has categorically denied sleeping with one woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says Ms Bloom told the BBC: “It is time for anyone with information to come forward and answer questions.

“Prince Andrew himself is accused of sexual misconduct and he also spent a great deal of time with Jeffrey Epstein. So it’s time to stop playing games and to come forward to do the right thing and answer questions.”

Ms Bloom also suggested that the US should help with the investigation into the death of Harry Dunn, who was killed in a road crash, if it wants cooperation from Britain over Andrew.

She raised the case of US intelligence officer’s wife Anne Sacoolas, whose extradition to the UK over the death of the teenager, has been rejected by US secretary of state Mike Pompeo. 

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