Camilla puts hands together for unsung pharmacy heroes

THE Duchess of Cornwall called Britain's pharmacists unsung heroes of the pandemic yesterday, as she visited a chain founded by former refugees.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Camilla gifted face masks by robot at pharmacy in Sussex

Hands pressed together, Camilla, 73, exchanged namaste greetings with the Chotai family, who run Kamsons Pharmacy in Uckfield, East Sussex, the county of her childhood. The Chotais founded the chain of 77 pharmacies employing 1,000 people across Britain in 1979 after fleeing Uganda. Camilla said: "I'm absolutely delighted to be here. Sussex is where I was brought up.


Camilla greets the Chotais and pharmacy staff yesterday (Image: Getty)

She thanked pharmacists and support staff for staying open and heard how some had faced the wrath of angry, panic-stricken lockdown customers.

The Duchess said: "I've been told by many people that at times it's been difficult, but you've struggled through it and given a wonderful service too. So thank you very much indeed."

Camilla took a train from London Victoria to Haywards Heath for a series of engagements.

It is thought to be the first time a Royal Family member has travelled on a regular train since the pandemic began.

Clarence House said Camilla's visit to the Chotais was to recognise pharmacists as frontline heroes of the pandemic.

It came after a weekend YouGov poll found 43 per cent of ethnic minority Britons think the Royal Family is racist.

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