Settlement is a victory for Virginia Giuffre, says lawyer

A LAWYER representing eight young women who fell victim to paedophile Jeffrey Epstein called the settlement yesterday a victory for Virginia Giuffre.

By Richard Palmer - Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Virginia Giuffre

Virginia Giuffre and Prince Andrew settled out of court. (Image: Jeenah Moon/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Lisa Bloom, whose clients have all won substantial compensation from the estate of the late financier, also said she believed Ms Giuffre, 38, had not agreed to any gagging clause.

This would mean she is free to continue to tell her story about Andrew and others she claims were involved with Epstein. Andrew still vehemently denies all allegations against him.

She said: "My clients and I all have the utmost respect for Virginia.

"We hail Virginia's victory today. She has accomplished what no one else could: getting Prince Andrew to stop his nonsense and side with sexual abuse victims. We salute Virginia's stunning courage."

While royal watchers and lawyers noted the Duke of York's change in tone, his earlier efforts to belittle Ms Giuffre, who he accused of being a sex trafficker, were criticised.

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Nazir Afzal, former Chief Crown Prosecutor for North West England - who specialised in sexual exploitation of girls and young women and prosecuted the Rochdale sex abuse ring - tweeted: "I lost respect for Andrew once he started victimblaming. Each time he did that, a victim somewhere was retraumatised...

"Andrew says he regrets his association with Epstein and that he will now support victims of sex trafficking ie rape…I'll take him at his word and invite him to meet them."

On the fact Ms Giuffre's payout will go to charity, he added: "Before it's spun to suggest Andrew is giving a donation to charity, remember he could do that any time he wanted.

"To avoid a trial he is willing to pay her large sums of money to her for something he denies. Make of that what you will."

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