Royal Family: Hyde Park crowd erupts as sweet images of Queen's corgis shared 'Aww!'

Tens of thousands have gathered in the central London park to watch the day's events as Queen Elizabeth II's funeral and committal service takes place.

By Olivia StringerAliss HighamJonathan King, News Reporter, Catherine Meyer-Funnell, Royal Reporter based in London

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral takes place at Westminster Abbey

Watching on large screens, the crowd in Hyde Park went “Awww” when they saw the corgis at Windsor. Two of the Queen’s dogs, Muick and Sandy, kept on leads by staff at Windsor, were present for their owner’s arrival at the royal home. The Queen’s coffin has been brought by a procession from Westminster Abbey to Windsor Castle for the committal service, attended by family members and the Queen’s loyal staff. Thousands descended on the London today to watch the procession live in city venues.


The Queen's corgis

The Queen's corgis greeted her at Windsor (Image: Getty)

Meghan and Harry show visible emotion as Duke puffs out cheeks after draining day

It was a long day for the royals as they attended the Queen's funeral at Westminster Abbey and then a committal service at Windsor Castle.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were seen looking visibly emotional getting into a car at St George's Chapel in Windsor, with Harry puffing out his cheeks in a long exhale.

The Royal Family attended a committal service at the chapel for Her Majesty the Queen where her coffin was lowered into the Royal Vault.

The Duchess was also seen wiping away tears during the day.

Along with the most prominent members of the family, including King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla, Meghan and Harry attended the committal in Windsor after the funeral at Westminster Abbey.

Relatives then returned to Windsor Castle for some rest before some attended a private burial service later in the evening.

Steven Gerrard shares supportive message from Prince William

The Prince of Wales cheered on Aston Villa before their Premier League clash with Southampton on Friday night.

The Duke of Cambridge, a lifelong Villa fan, sent the message while he was in London preparing for Her Majesty's state funeral.

Aston Villa won the match 1-0 thanks to a Jacob Ramsey goal in a scrappy uninspiring clash which allowed them to climb to 13th after their second win of the season.

Steven Gerrard, the manager of the team, revealed the Prince, who is president of the football association, sent a message to the club in the buildup to the game.

The former Liverpool and England midfielder said he thought it was impressive that the Prince was in contact considering her grandmother's death.

He said: "He messaged in the week, to the club, and that shows everything about what he thinks of this club.

"It certainly took me aback.

"He is very much involved in Villa.

"For him to message in the situation he is in is really impressive."

Following Friday evening's victory Mr Gerrard said the Duke would be "proud" of the result.

Bank holiday suggested to honour Queen Elizabeth II 'greatest ever monarch'

A bank holiday named after the Queen would allow children to be educated about her extraordinary 70 year reign, according to a GB News guest.

Speaking to GB News host Dan Wootton, Daily Express columnist Carole Malone said Her Majesty was arguably our "greatest ever monarch" and that Elizabeth's day would be a fitting tribute.

The former News of the World columnist added that there should be a statue of the late monarch on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.

GB News: Royal expert praises George and Charlotte - 'Marvellous thanks to their parents'

The young prince and princess sat in the front row at their great-grandmother's funeral at Westminster Abbey.

 and  were highly praised for their respectful and mature conduct during Queen Elizabeth's funeral on Monday, showing how well their parents the Prince and Princess of Wales have prepared them for public life.

Royal biographer Angela Levin spoke to  on  about the young family and the security they are ensuring for the future of the royals.

She told the presenter it was thanks to their parents that the royal children were so "marvellous", saying: "I thought it was incredibly moving.

"You do feel that the Royal Family is safer because you've got the heirs and the heirs and the heirs going through.

"I thought they were marvellous, those two young kids - thanks to their parents that they've been brought up to be really disciplined.

"I thought it was charming to see Charlotte in her grown up hat, she looked terrific and she also had her posture that was absolutely right."

Embarrassing moment for Fergie at Queen's funeral

When Sarah, Duchess of York, arrived for the Queen's state funeral on Monday, one royal reporter made an embarrassing reference to an incident in which the royal was pictured having her toes sucked while on holiday.

An embarrassing moment affect Sarah Ferguson aired at the most unlikely of moments as the nation mourned the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

As live footage played of Prince Andrew's ex-wife, nicknamed Fergie, entering Westminster Abbey for the sombre service, one reporter had some choice words about a past scandal.

Journalist Dickie Arbiter referenced the late Duke of Edinburgh, explaining that the Queen's husband "never forgave" Fergie for the scandalous photographs.

The photographs were taken in 1992 which showed her toes being sucked by her financial adviser, John Bryan, while on holiday in the south of France. 

While the live footage of the Duchess played, Mr Arbiter commented: "It is interesting, he never forgave her, he never forgave her for the pictures that appeared in the newspaper when she was in the south of France with her so-called financial adviser having her toes sucked."

The comments were met with nervous giggles by the Channel Nine presenters, Karl Stefanovic and Allison Langdon, during the channel's coverage of the funeral.

Macron slammed for footwear choice day before funeral

French politicians have apologies for the President's clothing "embarrassment" as critics rounded on the President for wearing trainers with his suit.

Emmanuel Macron has been criticised for “shaming” France with a footwear disaster after he arrived to pay his respects to Queen Elizabeth II.

He was among the hundreds of world leaders arrived in London over the weekend ahead of Her Majesty’s funeral today.

After landing in London, Mr Macron was photographed walking through the capital with his wife, Brigitte.

Commentators were quick to draw attention to the President’s footwear.

As well as a pair of dark sunglasses, Mr Macron was sporting navy blue trainers.

Opponents of the President insisted this was a mark of disrespect, being just one day before the state funeral of Her Majesty the Queen.

Pay tribute to the Queen with the book of condolence

The Queen has been laid to rest with her husband Prince Philip after a day of ceremony and rememberence.

If you would like to pay tribute to Her Majesty, you can do so with .

Royal Family Instagram posts fitting final tribute

The Royal Family have posted an image of the Queen walking on a moor in a fitting final tribute as the national period of mourning comes to an end.

This evening Her Majesty was buried after a private ceremony for the family.

What is the Royal Vault? Chapel chamber explained

The Royal Vault is a burial chamber deep below the altar of St George’s Chapel, within the grounds of Windsor Castle. The vault is approximately 16 feet (five metres) below the ground, explains's Kate Whitfield.

The vault itself is a stone-lined chamber, 70 feet (21 metres) long and 28 feet (eight metres) wide. The entrance is closed off by an iron gate.

Within the chamber, there is enough space to hold 44 bodies. 32 coffins are arranged on shelves built into the stone walls, while the remaining 12 are in the centre of the vault. 

Queen Elizabeth II coffin

(Image: GETTY)

Role of empty chair in front of King Charles explained

Royal protocol dictates that the seat in front of the reigning monarch remains empty at public events - but the real reason for the tradition is often misunderstood.

Some have speculated that this could be a deliberate move to represent a member of the Royal Family who has passed away.

However, an empty seat in front of Charles, or any other monarch, is merely there to follow royal protocol.

No one is allowed to sit in front of the reigning monarch at this kind of event so the monarch's view of proceedings isn't blocked. 

The Queen has been buried

The BBC has confirmed Queen has been laid to rest in the King George VI Memorial Chapel, alongside her husband Prince Philip.

Other members of her family are also buried in the chapel, including her father, mother and sister, Princess Margaret.

The Dean of Windsor conducted the final and private burial ceremony.

Queen's coffin details as monarch is laid to rest

The Queen’s coffin is lined with lead, following a royal tradition, dating back to the Victorian era when it was necessary to seal bodies for resting above ground.

Elizabeth I was buried in a lead-lined wooden coffin in 1603, according to Westminster Abbey.

The lead helps to preserve the body for up to a year by slowing the decomposition process.

The lining makes the coffin airtight, preventing moisture from entering and ensuring that the smell and toxins from the dead body will not escape and harm the environment.

Catch up on the Queen's funeral

If you missed or didn't catch all of Her Majesty's funeral today, you can watch it below.

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral takes place at Westminster Abbey

Hopes for Harry being brought back into royal fold from public

Fiona Sowell, 61, from Worcester Park in south west London, walked the route of the funeral procession with friend Theresa Cornelius, 71, from Paignton in Devon.

Ms Sowell, who watched the Westminster Abbey service at home, said: “There was a tremendous sense of tradition, but also a sense of continuity. All the Royal Family were immensely dignified in their grief.”

Ms Cornelius said she hoped the death of the Queen will lead to reconciliation in the UK and with relations between King Charles’s immediate family.

Asked if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should return to Royal duties to support King Charles III, Ms Sowell said: “I think Harry would like to. I don’t think Harry realised he would lose as much as he did [when he and Meghan stepped back from Royal duties]. But the Queen was adamant they were either all in or all out.”

Ms Cornelius added: “A lot is falling on William’s shoulders. Now he and Catharine have to do it all between them. But William is trying to build bridges with Harry I hope.”

Charles to wield axe on some royals

King Charles III reportedly desires to see a law regarding who can take on the position of Counsellors of State changed, which could prompt a dramatic shift within the Royal Family.

Prince HarryPrince Andrew and Princess Beatrice could see their current key roles within the monarchy axed if King Charles III goes through with his rumoured plan to see a law amended.

Despite not being working royals, the two Dukes and the Princess are currently considered three of the five Counsellors of State the new monarch can rely upon to carry out constitutional duties in case of illness or absence from the country. 

However, the Telegraph reported Charles wants the law amended so that only working members of the Firm can become Counsellors - a move which would strip all three of the title.

What is Prince Charles's cypher?

A royal cypher acts as a monogram, and each is unique to the reigning monarch of the time.

The Queen's cypher was EIIR, which stands for Elizabeth II Regina, with the latter word meaning 'queen' in Latin.

Charles's cypher is now be CIIIR, standing for Charles III Rex, with the latter meaning “King” in Latin.

Private service for the Queen taking place at St George's Chapel

A private service for members of the Royal Family is currently taking place in the same chapel as the committal this afternoon.

She will then be buried alongside her husband, Prince Philip.

'Magnificent in their grief': Public praises Royal Family

Laura Chisholm, 74, from Newcastle, came to Green Park to look at the thousands of floral tributes.

She said: “It’s just unreal. This is the first time I’ve seen it. It just goes on and on.”

Mrs Chisholm, who saw the State Funeral on TV, added: “It was our pageantry. It was brilliant. It restores your faith in the monarchy.

“I can just remember her when she was crowned. I was four. She has always been there.”

The retired cashier, who saw the Queen’s lying-in-state and the procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall, said of the Royal Family: “They have been magnificent in their grief. I wouldn’t like to have done what they’ve done for the last 10 days. Even Princess Anne following the hearse down from Balmoral - it takes a little bit of courage to go through that.

“They have given [the Queen] a really good send off from the country… People have come together.”

Laura Chisholm

(Image: EXPRESS)

Sarah Ferguson comforts daughter as they leave chapel

The Duchess of York was seen walking out of St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle with her eldest daughter Princess Beatrice and her husband Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi just after 5pm.

Beatrice, who was seen crying during the state funeral at Westminster Abbey earlier on Monday, appeared upset as she made her way from the chapel after an emotional day.

The pair were linked arm-in-arm as they walked, while Edoardo had his arm around his wife.

Meghan asked for audience with Charles, claims royal expert

King Charles allegedly received a letter from Meghan Markle asking to meet him in a bid to make amends with the Royal Family.

Citing a "very good source", the royal expert Neil Sean claims Meghan Markle would like to meet the new monarch in an attempt to heal rifts before her departure after the royal period of mourning with .

He said: "She'd now like before they return back to California to have a one-to-one audience with King Charles III.

"That's right. Meghan one-to-one with King Charles."

BBC presenter Kirsty Young tearful at end of coverage

Ms Young said, bringing rolling coverage of the funeral to and end: "It's often felt in recent days that a veil of sorrow has covered the nation.

"But the Queen's funeral has surely exemplified her reign."

Ms Young continued: "She united us in one final act of togetherness, unifying the United Kingdom."

Choking back her tears, she said: "And indeed the world beyond in respect of the ceremony and significance."

"As a very young woman, she famously said her whole life whether it should be long or short, would be devoted to our service," Ms Young said, struggling to contain her emotion.

"Well, never was a person truer to their word."

Queen's funeral: Kirsty Young's brilliant monologue

Archbishop says it was 'honour of a lifetime'

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said it was the "honour of a lifetime" to preach at this afternoon's funeral.

He said the late Queen's "hope and faith in Jesus Christ inspired her servant leadership".

Support for monarchy strong in New Zealand, say tourists

Husband and wife, Ian and Lois Strickett, came to Hyde Park after arriving in London from Dubai.

Holidaymakers Mr and Mrs Strickett, from Fielding in the Manawatu region of New Zealand, said they could see the Queen’s funeral service procession from the skies over London and watched the event unfold on the plane.

Mrs Strickett, 63, said: “The thing I found very emotional was when the family were following the Queen’s coffin. I was really happy that the grandchildren and great grandchildren walked behind.

“I think the Princess Royal is just divine. If I was going to meet one of the Royal Family, it would be her. She is so strong. She has made her own life. She has been a very successful equestrian.”

Mr Strickett, 65, said there is still strong support for the monarchy in New Zealand.

He said: “I’ve always seen the monarchy as being great for England and the Commonwealth.”

Mrs Strickett said: “I think it’s also necessary to have something to look up to. You don’t put people on pedestals because they fall off, but the Queen has been there over the years. Charles was before his time with his green message. He was way ahead of his time and people thought he was weird, but he’s been proven right.”

Ian and Lois Strickett

(Image: EXPRESS)

Watch Her Majesty's piper bring committal to a sombre close

The Royal Family Twitter has posted footage of Her Majesty's piper playing a lament at the end of the Committal Service, held this afternoon at St George's chapel.

'Today marks the end': Reflection on Queen's life

The Queen, who ruled over Britain and Northern Ireland for 70 years, was a "powerful link" to older generations.

George Eaton, editor at the New Statesman, said his grandmother used the Queen as a "constant reference point".

Queen Consort Camilla could do away with Queen's tradition

With the death of Queen Elizabeth, several of her ladies-in-waiting are expected to retire, due to their own advancing years.

While it has been said some may stay on to support the new Queen, one expert has claimed the traditional role may not be filled again. 

Marlene Koenig, a historian who has spent several years researching the Royal Family, explained Queen Camilla may do away with the role in a bid to modernise the monarchy. 

Ms Koenig told "There are some positions that may no longer be filled."

Watch as Queen's corgis and favourite horse say goodbye

The Queen, a avid lover of animals, was greeted by her beloved pets as her coffin arrived at Windsor this afternoon.

Queen's favourite horse and corgis final goodbye

'Would not like to be in his shoes!': Public reflects on King Charles III

Trevor Jenks, 70, from Swindon in Wiltshire, speaking of the procession which followed the Westminster Abbey funeral service, said: “One thing we do very well in this country is ceremony.

I can’t think of any other country where a whole Royal Family will walk as a group in a public space for that length of time.

“I imagine the Queen would have had this highly organised. It was interesting how she chose things from her coronation and wedding.

“It is almost as if we are coming to the end of another glorious, Elizabethan reign. When you look back you realise what changes she lived through. It’s been a time to reflect.”

On how the public has shown its appreciation for the Queen, the consultant in security electronics said: “I think she would have approved of the clapping and cheering. When her father died it would have been very sombre.

"But when Diana died I think she realised just how important royalty is to the people and the need to be close to the people.”

Mr Jenks said of King Charles III: “He’s starting from a base where a lot of people know what he’s about.

"It will be interesting to see if he rushes for popularity. He also has to solve his children’s problems and the rifts between them.

"He has also made a big thing of saying he will serve, but it would be better to say, ‘I am new,’ and to serve in his own way. But I would not like to be in his shoes!”

Trevor Jenkins

Trevor Jenkins, who watched from Hyde Park in London (Image: EXPRESS)

Row erupts as Harry only told of Queen's death 5 mins before public

A royal source has insisted that Harry was not treated any differently to anyone else in the Royal Family. 

A row has erupted following the revelation that Prince Harry was only told about the death of his grandmother five minutes before the public. 

King Charles III told his youngest son that the Queen had died as he was in midair, on his way to Aberdeen airport to join his family, according to the Telegraph.

Harry's brother, Prince William had travelled to Balmoral with Prince AndrewPrince Edward and Sophie Wessex earlier in the day, suggesting a clear divide in the family.

Buckingham Palace is reported to have found it hugely disrespectful that the claims were released on the eve of the Queen's funeral.

Hitting back, a source told The Telegraph that Charles had not treated Harry differently from anybody else. 

The source said: "Everybody was trying to get where they needed to be.

“That was the focus. 

“And the King was adamant that the official statement must not be released until all members of the family had been informed. That was a father talking because he cares.”

Service at St George's chapel ends

The Royal Family will now privately take part in the final ceremony of the day, where the Queen will finally be laid to rest.

'She was like no one else': Live reaction from mourners watching from Hyde Park

Gill Doyle, 44, from Queen’s Park in west London, watched the committal service in Hyde Park with her two children.

She said: “It’s quite sad there won’t be another Queen for a long time.

“Nobody in the world does ceremony quite like we do. It sets us apart. It’s an unstable world.

"When you can show unity, it’s a good thing. Hopefully, something good will come of today.

“It’s quite troublesome times with the cost-of-living crisis but everyone is sat here and watching.

"It’s quite amazing. They’ve done an incredible job. I’m taken aback.”

Ms Doyle, a personal trainer who also teaches Pilates, praised the Queen’s incredible work ethic, saying: “She was like no one else. I think people were taken aback by that.”

Undertaker explains preserving process behind Queen's lying in state

As the Queen lies in state at Westminster Hall, many have questioned how Her Majesty's coffin can be publicly displayed for so long. 

One undertaker has taken to social media to explain the procedures of preserving the Queen for lying in state. 

The Tik Tok undertaker explained: "Because of the wealth and the stature and influence that the Royal Family has, they would secure the best embalmers, the best facilities, the best of everything.

"No expense would be spared when it comes to the care and preparation of the Queen's body."

Queen's coffin

(Image: PA)

Man attempted to jump barrier during procession

A man has reportedly been arrested by police after allegedly trying to jump the barriers as Queen Elizabeth's procession went past.

Her Majesty's coffin was being driven from Westminster Abbey before passing Buckingham Palace. It then travelled past the cenotaph, which commemorates the war dead. has contacted the Metropolitan Police for comment.

Queen staff 'incandescent with grief' following her death

The Queen's personal staff were said to be "incandescent with grief" after the death of Her Majesty, after surrounding her for her final days.

Paul Whybrew, page of the backstairs (a senior role that oversees the male staff), and Barry Mitford, the late Queen’s Serjeant-at-Arms, were among ten members of staff who took part in the solemn procession to Westminster Hall, where the monarch laid in state for over four days. 

Mr Whybrew, who at 6ft 4in tall towered over the 5ft 3in Queen, was described as the monarch's favourite courtier.   

What happens now?

At St George's Chapel in Windsor, a committal ceremony is taking place.

As agreed with the late Queen, it will be led by David Conner, Dean of Windsor.

The Blessing will be pronounced by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury.

Following the service, the Queen will be laid to rest alongside her husband, Prince Philip.

Queen's coffin now being carried into St George's chapel

The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II is now being carried into St George's Chapel at Windsor.

The same bearer party that took her into Westminster Abbey will now proceed up the west steps into the chapel.

'Utterly destroyed' - sight of Queen's corgis saddens social media users

Two of the Queen's corgis, Sandy and Mick, were present to meet the Queen's coffin at Windsor.

Twitter user @dustyreign said: "I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop crying now".

Another, @assumpta815, said: "Her dogs will grieve, all dogs do.

"They love us so much and are bereft without us".

Queen passes through arch to Windsor quadrangle

The Queen's coffin has arrived in the quadrangle at Windsor.

She has been met by her family as the procession makes its way to St George's chapel.

Princess Charlotte emotional following the state funeral

The Queen's great-granddaughter Princess Charlotte became emotional following the funeral earlier today.

Princess of Wales, was pictured comforting her young daughter as she burst into tears outside Westminster Abbey.

Clearly overcome with emotion, Charlotte could be seen with her head in her hands. 

Princess Charlotte

(Image: GETTY)

Coffin of Queen arrives at Windsor

The procession escorting the Queen's coffin to Windsor has arrived.

Her Majesty is now travelling up the long walk to Windsor Palace, with a seperate service taking place at St George's chapel.

St George's chapel is the place her husband Prince Phillip's funeral was held in 2021.

Meghan says an emotional goodbye to the Queen

The Duchess of Sussex was earlier pictured shedding a tear as the Queen's coffin was put into the hearse for the final journey to Windsor.

Meghan has previously spoken fondly of Her Majesty.

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex

(Image: REUTERS)

Prince and Princess of Wales post on Twitter

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Cornwall have posted a tribute to the Queen on Twitter.

The heir apparent and his wife posted two images from today's state funeral, which took place at Westminster Abbey earlier today.

The first image shows the coffin being carried through the church, and the second is an up close shot of Her Majesty being drawn through London.

Good afternoon

Good afternoon from London. I’m Aliss Higham, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal family today as Queen Elizabeth II is being laid to rest in Windsor. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Liz Truss embarrassingly mistaken for 'minor royal' in TV blunder

Liz Truss was embarrassingly mistaken for a "minor royal" as she stepped up to do a reading during the Queen's funeral. 

The Prime Minister, who has only been in office for two dramatic weeks, is still getting to be known by the world and the blunder was made by an Australian TV channel.

As the Prime Minister entered the cathedral, Channel 9 presenters Peter Overton and Tracy Grimshaw were left confused when Ms Truss stepped up to give a reading from a letter of St Paul to the Romans.

“Who’s this?” Grimshaw asked, with Overton theorising: “Hard to identify. Maybe minor royals? Members of the– I can’t identify them at this point.”

She added: "We can’t split everyone up, unfortunately. They could well be royal dignitaries, it’s hard to see.”

The Prime Minister, who has only been in office for two dramatic weeks, is still getting to be known by the world and the blunder was made by an Australian TV channel.

As the Prime Minister entered the cathedral, Channel 9 presenters Peter Overton and Tracy Grimshaw were left confused when Ms Truss stepped up to give a reading from a letter of St Paul to the Romans.

“Who’s this?” Grimshaw asked, with Overton theorising: “Hard to identify. Maybe minor royals? Members of the– I can’t identify them at this point.”

She added: "We can’t split everyone up, unfortunately. They could well be royal dignitaries, it’s hard to see.”

But Overturn then got a message from his producer.

He said: “I think we are now getting to the pointy end, as they say of the– I’m just told that was Liz Truss, the new prime minister, in the distance that we could see.” 


Liz Truss embarrassingly mistaken for 'minor royal' in TV blunder

Liz Truss embarrassingly mistaken for 'minor royal' in TV blunder (Image: BBC)

Mike Tindall shows 'protective' body language at Queen's funeral with 'touching gesture'

Mike Tindall took on a "protective role" at the Queen's funeral, a body language expert has said. 

During the funeral, Mike was seen hugging his wife's 14-year-old cousin, James Viscount Severn.

Analysing Mike's body language, Judi James said: "Mike seems to have taken on the role of protective as well as of fun uncle in the Royal Family recently."

"For instance, he's looked incredibly fond and protective of William, as well as his children, particularly the youngest Louis."

How was he a "paternal presence" at the Queen's funeral?

Judi opined: "Here he is providing that paternal presence again, this time patting Sophie and Edward’s son with an arm around his back."


Mike Tindall shows 'protective' body language at Queen's funeral with 'touching gesture'

Mike Tindall shows 'protective' body language at Queen's funeral with 'touching gesture' (Image: Getty)

Meghan teary-eyed as she watches coffin make final journey

Meghan Markle was teary-eyed as she joined Prince Harry to watch the Queen's coffin make its final journey to Windsor, following the state funeral. 

Meghan teary-eyed as she watches coffin make final journey

Meghan teary-eyed as she watches coffin make final journey (Image: Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock)

Meghan Markle asked Charles for 'one-to-one audience' in 'formal letter to King'

Meghan Markle asked for a one-on-one meeting with the King in an attempt to heal the rifts within the Royal Family, a royal expert has claimed. 

Citing a "very good source", Neil Sean said on his Youtube Channel: "She'd now like before they return back to California to have a one-to-one audience with King Charles III.

"That's right. Meghan one-to-one with King Charles.

"You heard correct.

"And what's interesting here is according to that good source, this was made in a formal letter. This is how you write to the King through his equity and of course that's passed on, etc.

"Now, you know, you have to admire Meghan's self-belief, whatever you think". 


Meghan Markle asked Charles for 'one-to-one audience' in 'formal letter to King'

Meghan Markle asked Charles for 'one-to-one audience' in 'formal letter to King' (Image: Getty)

King Charles III's touching note to Queen left on top of her coffin

King Charles left a touching note to the Queen on top of her coffin. 

The note read: "In loving and devoted memory. Charles R". 

R is short for rex, which is Latin for King. 

The Queen's coffin is now making its way to Windsor, where the Monarch will be buried alongside her father. 


King Charles III's touching note to Queen left on top of her coffin

King Charles III's touching note to Queen left on top of her coffin (Image: Getty)

BBC hits back after viewers' complaints over heavy coverage of Queen Elizabeth II death

The BBC has responded to complaints made by members of the public following its extensive coverage of the mourning period. 

Since the Queen died on September 8, the BBC has adjusted its schedule to make way for coverage honouring the late Monarch. 

On its website, the BBC confirmed: “We’ve received complaints about the level of coverage and changes to the schedule following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”

The exact number of complaints hasn’t been disclosed, although according to Metro it’s reported to be around 670.

But the broadcaster defended its decision, writing in response to the complaints: “The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is an event of national and international significance which is being reflected in our output. 

“This has meant changes to our schedules. Programme alternatives have been available - including on iPlayer and Sounds.”


Meghan and Harry comfort each other as they hold hands on way out of Queen's funeral

Meghan and Harry were pictured holding hands as they comforted each other on the way out of Westminster Abbey this afternoon. 

Meghan and Harry comfort each other as they hold hands on way out of Queen's funeral

Meghan and Harry comfort each other as they hold hands on way out of Queen's funeral (Image: Getty)

Queen's deeply personal funeral wreath includes touching nod to Philip

The funeral wreath placed on top of the Queen's coffin features a touching tribute to the late Prince Philip. 

Myrtle was added to the wreath as it is a symbol of a happy marriage and often appears at royal events. 

The myrtle on the Queen's coffin specifically came from a plant grown from a sprig used in the late Queen's 1947 wedding bouquet when she married Prince Philip.

The Queen's 73-year marriage to the Duke has been reflected in other flowers used. English oak was included to symbolise the strength of love.


Queen's deeply personal funeral wreath includes touching nod to Philip

Queen's deeply personal funeral wreath includes touching nod to Philip (Image: Getty)

When will Charles be coronated?

Although Charles became the King the moment his mother passed away, he is yet to be coronated. 

A date has not been announced for King Charles' coronation yet while the nation mourns Queen Elizabeth II. However, it is likely the event will take place at some point in 2023.

The Queen succeeded her father King George VI on February 6, 1952, but her coronation was not held until 16 months later. 

Coronations take a significant amount of planning, so they are often months in the making.

The event is codenamed Operation Golden Orb and has been in the planning stage for many years. Out of respect to the Queen, details weren't talked of publicly, but following her funeral today more details are expected to be revealed.


When will Charles be coronated?

When will Charles be coronated? (Image: Getty)

Queen's children salute coffin

King Charles III and Princess Anne, both dressed in military uniform saluted their mother's coffin, as their younger brother Prince Andrew stood next to them. 

Andrew was not permitted to wear military uniform for the funeral as he is no longer a working royal. 

Queen's children salute coffin

Queen's children salute coffin (Image: Getty)

Waleses look sombre as they stand together in Westminster Abbey

The Prince and Princess of Wales and their two eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte looked sombre as they stood together at the Queen's funeral at Westminster Abbey. 

The Walses

The Waleses (Image: Ian Vogler )

Royal fans fume as Prince Harry placed in second row

Royal fans were left furious, as Hary and Meghan were placed in the second row for the Queen's funeral. 

While Prince William, Princess Kate and their children were placed in the front row, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were placed in the row behind them. 

Some royal fans have described the seating arrangments as a "public punishment". 

Taking to Twitter to comment on their position in the second row for the state funeral, Soph posted: “How is prince Harry in the second row but Zara and her fella in the first? Lmao what.”

Holly Collins added: “Make no mistake, this is a public punishment. Harry can't wear his service uniform and is sat in the second row, not in the front row with his brother?"


Royal fans fume as Prince Harry placed in second row

Royal fans fume as Prince Harry placed in second row (Image: BBC)

Heartbroken Prince Edward and Sophie Wessex burst into tears at Queen's funeral

The Earl of Wessex and his wife Sophie were unable to hold back tears during the Queen's funeral. 

While Baroness Scotland was reading from the First Lesson, from Corinthians 15, Prince Edward could be seen hurriedly grabbing for a white handkerchief.

The youngest child of the Queen, overcome by emotion, quickly wiped away the first signs of tears as he tried to remain stoical at the funeral of his mother.

His wife, Sophie, then grabbed for a white handkerchief of her own, dabbing at her eyes. 


Queen's funeral: Prince Edward and Sophie emotional

Zara Tindall pays tribute to the Queen with elegant pearl earrings at funeral

Zara Tindall looked heartbroken as she entered Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral on Monday. 

Zara dressed in a smart black outfit, to which she paired a black pillbox hat and a pair of pearl earrings.

The Queen was rarely pictured without her beloved pearls during her 70-year reign.

As the Queen's eldest granddaughter, Zara was known to be incredibly close to the Queen.

Zara stood with her fellow cousins for a vigil over the weekend, in an event which marked the first time a vigil included all of the monarch's grandchildren.


Zara Tindall pays tribute to the Queen with elegant pearl earrings at funeral

Zara Tindall pays tribute to the Queen with elegant pearl earrings at funeral (Image: Getty)

Sophie Wessex wears embroidered floral dress and hat to pay special tribute to Queen

Sophie Wessex looked melancholy as she arrived at the funeral of her mother-in-law, the Queen. 

Sophie looked elegant in a long black embroidered dress that reached her shins.

The dress featured embroidered flowers and leaves in a darker colour than the dress - they were a glossy, purple-black hue and uniquely eye-catching.

Sophie matched her floral dress with a black fascinator that also featured flowers on its front.

The Countess’ references to the natural world may be a subtle nod to the Queen as she loved nature – the late monarch was happiest with her horses and dogs in the countryside.


Sophie Wessex wears embroidered floral dress and hat to pay special tribute to Queen

Sophie Wessex wears embroidered floral dress and hat to pay special tribute to Queen (Image: Getty)

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie don black headwear to pay tribute to Queen

Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie looked devastated as they arrived at Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral. 

Beatrice wore a smart coat dress which she accessorised with a black hat and lace bow detailing.

Beatrice wore a smart coat dress which she accessorised with a black hat and lace bow detailing.


Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie don black headwear to pay tribute to Queen

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie don black headwear to pay tribute to Queen (Image: Getty)

Camilla looks sombre in black dress and veil

Queen Consort Camilla looked sombre as she wore an ankle-length black coat dress to the Queen's funeral. 

She accessorised with a black hat, complete with some black netting.

A full veil is very much a staple for state funerals, and when the previous monarch, King George VI, passed away, Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother both wore them.

However, Camilla appeared to update a more archaic tradition with a more subtle headdress. 

Camilla looks sombre in black dress and veil

Camilla looks sombre in black dress and veil (Image: BBC)

Meghan Markle silently enters funeral behind Kate and Sophie

Meghan Markle looked sombre as she arrived at the Queen's funeral behind Princess Kate and Sophie Wessex. 

Her husband Prince Harry, took part in a procession of the Queen's coffin from Westminister Hall to Westminister Abbey. 

Meghan wore a black dress, and stilettos and completed her outfit with a hat.


Meghan Markle silently enters funeral behind Kate and Sophie

Meghan Markle silently enters funeral behind Kate and Sophie (Image: Getty)

Princess Charlotte and Kate wear identical hats for funeral

Princess Charlotte and her mother, Princess Kate wore matching black hats for the Queen's funeral this morning. 

Princess Charlotte and her older brother George are attending the funeral but their younger brother Louis is not.

Princess Charlotte and Kate wear identical hats for funeral

Princess Charlotte and Kate wear identical hats for funeral (Image: Getty)

Andrew Lloyd Webber recalls 'wonderful' memory of Queen's 60th birthday

Composer Andrew Lloyd Webber has recalled a "wonderful" memory of the Queen's 60th birthday, on the day of her funeral. 

Speaking to BBC news presenter Huw Edwards, Baron Lloyd Webber recalled that he got to know the Queen well after her youngest son Prince Edward asked him to write a musical for her 60th birthday. 

The musical, which he wrote with Tim Rice, was performed at Windsor.


Andrew Lloyd Webber recalls memory of Queen's 60th birthday

‘She's not going to be there?’ Prince Louis’ reaction to Queen Elizabeth's death

Prince Louis is struggling to understand his great-grandmother's death. 

David Hurley, Australia’s Governor-General, recalled that Kate spoke to him about Prince Louis on Saturday.

Mr Hurley said that Prince Louis has been asking if his family trips to Balmoral Castle will still be the same. 

He said: "The younger one is now asking questions like, 'do you think we can still play these games when we go to Balmoral and things like that, cause she's not going to be there?'”

Mr Hurley said that Prince Louis has been asking if his family trips to Balmoral Castle will still be the same.

He said: "The younger one is now asking questions like, 'do you think we can still play these games when we go to Balmoral and things like that, cause she's not going to be there?'”

The Queen died at Balmoral Castle on September 8, and earlier in the year Prince Louis had visited her there, alongside his parents and siblings as part of their summer vacation. 


‘She's not going to be there?’ Prince Louis’ reaction to Queen Elizabeth's death

‘She's not going to be there?’ Prince Louis’ reaction to Queen Elizabeth's death (Image: Getty)

Have your say: What did the Queen mean to you? Share your messages

The Queen's funeral takes place today after thousands of well-wishers queued for hours to bid farewell as she laid in state.

But what did the Queen mean to you?

Share your messages here.

Have your say: What did the Queen mean to you? Share your messages

Have your say: What did the Queen mean to you? Share your messages (Image: Getty)

Who are the longest living royals?

The Queen passed away on Thursday, September 8, aged 96. 

But which members of the Royal Family have lived the longest? 

Who are the longest living royals?

Who are the longest living royals? (Image: Express)

Queen likely to be buried in 'humble jewellery'

The Queen is likely to be buried in "humble jewellery", a royal historian has claimed. 

Speaking on GB News, jewellery expert and author Josie Goodbody said the Queen is likely to be buried in a significant piece of jewellery that she has worn for her entire reign. 

She said: "I believe that the Queen would be buried in very humble pieces of jewellery.

"I would have thought she would have her wedding ring", adding, "what she has worn for 73 years".

She also added "[and] prehaps a very simple pair of pearl earrings."


Queen likely to be buried in 'humble jewellery'

Queen likely to be buried in 'humble jewellery' (Image: Getty)

Which of Charles' titles did William inherit

When Charles ascended the throne many of his former titles were passed on to his eldest son. 

Prince William automatically became the Duke of Cornwall and his wife Kate became the Duchess of Cornwall. 

William also inherited his father's Scottish titles: Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland.

The Prince of Wales title was not automatically given to Prince William but King Charles announced via an address on September 9th that the new heir and his wife would be known as the Prince and Princess of Wales. 

Three titles Charles held are not currently held by William: Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich.

The titles were held by Prince Phillip and were passed onto Charles after his death. 

The Queen and Prince Philip expressed their wish for the Duke of Edinburgh title to be passed down to their youngest son Prince Edward. 

The Palace said at the time: "The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince of Wales have also agreed that Prince Edward should be given the Dukedom of Edinburgh in due course when the present title now held by Prince Philip eventually reverts to the Crown."


Which of Charles' titles did William inherit

Which of Charles' titles did William inherit (Image: Getty)

When did Meghan and Harry quit the Royal Family?

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as senior royals in March 2020- a move dubbed ‘Megxit’. 

Following the move, they were stripped of their royal patronages and honorary military titles. 

The couple relocated across the pond to Montecito in Santa Barbara where they now live with their two children Archie, three and Lilibet, who turns one next month.

Since leaving the UK the couple has not stepped away from the spotlight, most famously taking part in a controversial interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021. 

When did Meghan and Harry quit the Royal Family?

When did Meghan and Harry quit the Royal Family? (Image: Getty)

In pictures: Sand tribute to the Queen

Here is an amazing sand tribute to the Queen. 

Harry Maddox, 63, creates all kinds of land art, and for his latest piece made a 70-square-foot mural drawn on the sand of a Cornish beach in honour of Her Majesty. 

Sand tribute to the Queen

Sand tribute to the Queen (Image: SWNS)

Sand tribute to the Queen

Sand tribute to the Queen (Image: SWNS)

New photo of Queen released ahead of funeral

The Royal Family released a never before seen picture of the Queen last night, on the eve of her funeral. 

The photograph was taken in May, ahead of her Platinum Jubilee. 

In the picture, the Queen is beaming at the camera, while wearing a pair of beautiful broaches that were a gift from her father, King George VI for her 18th birthday. 


New photo of Queen released ahead of funeral

New photo of Queen released ahead of funeral (Image: Reuters )

'Right step forward' for monarchy as George and Charlotte's funeral appearance praised

Prince George and Princess Charlotte's appearance at their great-grandmother's funeral today has been praised. 

Nile Gardiner, a former aide to Margaret Thatcher said he was "heartened" to hear that the heir to the throne and his younger sister would attend the Queen's funeral. 

He told GB News' Dan Wootton: "I think a very important moment for the monarchy.

"The monarchy is secure for generations to come."

He added: "I think this is a very significant step, I think it's a very important one, and I think it's the right step forward."

Mr Wootoon then asked Mr Gardiner if the appearance will "put a lot of pressure" on the two children, he replied: "I think they will really rise to the occasion.

"We are talking about Britain's future here."


'Right step forward' for monarchy as George and Charlotte's funeral appearance praised

'Right step forward' for monarchy as George and Charlotte's funeral appearance praised (Image: Getty)

Key moments from today's funeral

The Queen's state funeral will take place in London today. 

Here are the key moments from the day: 

- Queen Elizabeth II's State Funeral will take place on Monday, September 19 at Westminster Abbey at 11am

- Following the State Funeral, the coffin will undertake a procession from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch, and then on to Windsor

- Once at Windsor, the State Hearse will undertake a procession to St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle via the Long Walk

- A Committal Service will then take place in St George's Chapel, with the Queen laid to rest at the King George VI memorial chapel

Will it be televised?

- The Queen's funeral service will be televised across BBC One, BBC News, and on BBC iPlayer.

- Sky News will also broadcast the funeral on its TV channel, Freeview, the Sky News app and via YouTube.

Harry heartbreak as Sussexes told of Queen's death 5 mins before public

Prince Harry was only told about the death of his grandmother five minutes before the public, it has been revealed. King Charles III told his youngest son that the Queen had died as he was in midair, on his way to Aberdeen airport to join his family, according to the Telegraph.

Harry's brother, Prince William had travelled to Balmoral with Prince AndrewPrince Edward and Sophie Wessex earlier in the day, suggesting a clear divide in the family. 

However, a source told The Telegraph that Charles had not treated Harry differently to anybody else. 

The source said: "Everybody was trying to get where they needed to be.

“That was the focus. 

“And the King was adamant that the official statement must not be released until all members of the family had been informed. That was a father talking because he cares.”

The Queen's state funeral will take place on Monday and will be attended by world leaders and royals from across the globe, including US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron

Harry heartbreak as Sussexes told of Queen's death 5 mins before public

Harry heartbreak as Sussexes told of Queen's death 5 mins before public (Image: Getty)

Good morning

Good morning, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on the Royal Family, on the day of the Queen's state funeral. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.


Twitter: @Livstringer_

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