It’s Prince William...the perfect gentleman

PRINCE William has been crowned the ultimate modern gentleman in a new nationwide poll.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William who has been voted the perfect gentleman with wife Kate Middleton Prince William, who has been voted the perfect gentleman, with wife Kate Middleton

The 30-year-old future king beat off competition from James Bond star Daniel Craig and singer Michael Buble in a poll of 1,000 British women.

William, right, won plaudits for his exquisite manners, his grooming and his looks as well the protective nature of his bond with his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge.

William won 15 per cent of votes in the poll, far ahead of Prince Harry with less than one per cent. The voters also identified the celebrities they deemed to behave the least like gentlemen.

Comedian Russell Brand was named by 20 per cent, followed by Chelsea footballers John Terry and Ashley Cole.

Paul Ogle, managing director of Johnsons Cleaners, which commissioned the poll, said Prince William “epitomises what it means to be a modern- day gentleman”.

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