We’re all going goo goo gaga for the royal baby as Kate Middleton's due date nears

ROYAL watchers from around the world are twitching with anticipation at the imminent arrival of a new royal baby.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton is due to give birth any day now Kate Middleton is due to give birth any day now

For 10 days members of the world’s media have been camped outside St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, where the Duchess of Cambridge is due to give birth.

Those waiting outside the private Lindo Wing have so far endured dozens of false alarms but there has been no sight of Prince William and Kate – or news of a new third-in-line to the throne.

The massed ranks of the press have already marked out their territory with ladders and duct tape. Even a makeshift bookie offering odds on the baby’s name and sex has been set up nearby.

Elsewhere, however, every sighting of a helicopter or flashing light near William and Kate’s Kensington Palace home prompted a flurry of rumours that this must be it.

They have become so frequent that after the latest incidents – an air ambulance landing to treat a person with a broken collar bone and the Duke of Kent returning home from an engagement – palace officials have made it clear that they will no longer be responding to inquiries about whether the next one is for the Duchess.

They hope that when 31-year-old Kate does go into labour, they can sneak her into the Lindo Wing via a back door without being spotted by the world’s media and countless others posting sightings on the social media website Twitter. Once she is firmly inside, however, they intend to announce to the world that Kate is in labour.

For the photographers camped outside the hospital since July 1, the prospect of that arrival picture and the later one of the couple emerging on the steps with their baby is the prize.

Mark Stewart, a specialist royal photographer, was one of the first to set up in the press pen to get a front row spot for when the royal couple and baby emerge from the hospital. He said: “Globally there is huge interest in the royal baby, particularly in America, and I wanted to get a front row seat to world history.”

The couple have not revealed the exact due date, leaving it vaguely at mid-July. Other sources have suggested they are not expecting the new arrival until at least tomorrow and well before the end of July – even if the Duchess is late.


The signs are that she and William remain relaxed. Kate, who is overseeing the interior design for the couple’s new apartment at Kensington Palace, has been spotted shopping in the neighbourhood in the last few days for furnishings.

William, who has been on duty as a search and rescue pilot at RAF Anglesey, has had a privately funded helicopter parked in his back garden in case he needs to get to London quickly.

On Sunday, if the baby has not arrived by then, he plans to join his brother Prince Harry in playing polo at Cirencester, Glos.

A source said: “But there’s obviously every chance that he won’t be able to.”

St Mary's Hospital, Kate Middleton, royal baby, paparazziThe world's press has been waiting outside St. Mary's hospital in Paddington for the past week


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