Slam dunk! Prince William joins teens for a game of volleyball

PRINCE William met his match in a 13-year-old boy who confessed he felt sorry for the future King yesterday after watching him failing to return his volleyball serves.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duke of Cambridge playing a game of vollyeball in West London today The Duke of Cambridge playing a game of vollyeball in West London today [PA]

The Duke of Cambridge, visiting a sports coaching programme funded by the charitable foundation he runs with his brother Prince Harry and wife Kate, started off shakily during a coaching skills session in which he spent most of his time on court looking around to see where he was meant to be and where the ball should be going.

He tried out serving and spiking the ball but was also guilty of some less orthodox moves, running through the net and crashing into a post.

"Sorry, my bad," the second in line to the throne said after trying to dig the ball and completely missing his first shot in return to Vinojh Kalaiselvan, 13, before letting the ball practically land at his feet when the pint-sized player served again.

"I felt a bit sorry for him," said Vinojh. "I think it was his first time playing, so if he practises and practises, he'll get better."

prince william, vollyeball game, Westway Sports Centre in west London, duke of cambridgeThe 31-year-old looked a little bit lost during the game at Westway Sports Centre [PA]

It was payback time for William, who enjoyed his brother Harry's humiliation when he missed all his shots at basketball at a school in Rotherhithe, south east London, when the two Princes and the Duchess of Cambridge launched the Coach Core programme in July last year - a day before the London Olympics started.

However, the general verdict from Vinojh and young coaches putting schoolchildren through their paces at the Westway Sports Centre in west London was that William, 31, had done pretty well but needed to work on his technique.

Terrell Jordan, 18, from Battersea, south London, who was coaching the game, said: “He did very well, but his technique could do with a bit of work. He had a good serve, but he needs to open his hand rather than have it closed and he would have better results.

"The kids loved it. They were taken aback."William attended the event as patron of the The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, which helped set up Coach Core as a legacy of the London Games.

prince william, vollyeball game, Westway Sports Centre in west London, duke of cambridgeWilliam looks on as some of the younger plays prepare for the game [PA]

It provides an intense training programmeme for 16 to 24-year-olds, many from disadvantaged social backgrounds, to become qualified sports coaches and inspire their peers.

There are two pilot programmes - one in London run by the charity Greenhouse, and one in Glasgow run by Glasgow Life.

Willam also met apprentices from a sister project in Harlem, New York, where Prince Harry played baseball earlier this year.

William and his aides had arranged for the Americans, who were in London for only four days, to go on an escorted tour around the State Apartments at Kensington Palace before today's coaching session.

"It was really cool to see and learn about things that have been around longer than our country," said apprentice coach Robert Salteres, 25.

Talking to all of the apprentices today, William admitted he was disappointed that his team Aston Villa only managed a 0-0 draw with Sunderland at the game he watched at Villa Park on Saturday.

prince william, vollyeball game, Westway Sports Centre in west London, duke of cambridgeThe Duke soon got into the swing of things and showed off his skills [PA]

Mulenga Chafilwa, 18, said William had singled out the Villa striker Christian Benteke: “He said he expected to see a goal. He said he liked Christian Benteke - he has got good technique and he likes the way he passes.”

He told the apprentices that they had all worked hard on the course, which will see them graduate from the project in February next year. “You should be really proud,” he said.

“So we will see you in the Premiership or in the next Olympics, coaching the next gold medals.”

Ryan Gordon, 18, said William was asked about Prince George’s sporting prospects. "He said, 'I think the only sport he will be good at is playing tiddleywinks.'"

prince william, vollyeball game, Westway Sports Centre in west London, duke of cambridgeOne 13-year-old boy said he "felt a bit sorry" for the Prince [AP]

Coach Core has already had a big impact on the lives of those going through the programme.

Tracy Simpson, 18, from Wembley, north west London, said that training to become a table tennis coach has helped her overcome her anger issues that were so bad that she once damaged her playing hand in a fit of rage.

"I wasn’t the nicest of people," she said. "Always angry. When something bad happened, I’d get angry and aggressive. I was always in trouble at school.

"People wouldn’t stay in the room when I got angry. Coaches and teachers would leave the room."

Since then Coach Core has helped her grow in confidence. "My coach was like my mentor. They did not just coach me, they found ways to help me control it, how to calm down without losing my temper.

Coach Core helped me build a structure for my life. It helped me improve my education too, so I passed my GCSEs.

prince william, vollyeball game, Westway Sports Centre in west London, duke of cambridgePrince William said he expected to see some of the teens at future Olympic Games [PA]

"I know a few other children who have issues similar to mine when I was younger, so I have tried to find ways to help them through their issues.

"I want to help someone - to improve their developmental skills, and their personal life as well, to help them become the best person they can be."

Rakeem Caesar, 18, from Mitcham, south London, said: "I used to get into arguments and fights really easily. Coach Core has made me a more patient person, because you have to be patient round the kids.

"I’ve recently taught all my participants how to do an excellent serve, which makes me proud, but I’ve also got to know each of them. I know what it’s like growing up.

"I know what it’s like growing up. I remember what it was like for me and how I’ve changed from then to now. Through Coach Core I can now pass on all the skills that my coach taught me on and off the court."

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