Prince Harry drops Army combat role to start new desk job

PRINCE Harry has ditched his role flying Apache helicopters in the Army to begin organising major military events - from behind a desk.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, Tom Rawle

Prince Harry is leaving the helicopters behind for a safer desk job Prince Harry is leaving the helicopters behind for a safer desk job [GETTY]

Known as Captain Wales in the Army, the Prince will now take up a quieter post as a Staff Officer based in London.

The role includes planning large events such as Trooping The Colour and prestigious state visits.

But, crucially, the fourth in line to the throne hopes his new role as a grade 3 staff officer at the Army’s HQ London District offices in Horse Guards, will also allow him to fulfil a dream to organise a Paralympic-style international event for wounded servicemen and women in front of thousands of cheering fans at the Olympic Stadium in London in the second half of this year.

The Prince, who will retain his rank as a Captain, is passionate about Britain hosting an international version of the Warrior Games, which he attended in Colorado in the United States last May.

The Royal Foundation charity which he, Prince William and Kate oversee, has ordered a feasibility study along with the Ministry of Defence to see how the inaugural International Warrior Games could be funded and run.

major, army, Prince HarryThe fourth in line to the throne is working towards becoming a major in the Army [GETTY]


“A final recommendation will be made in January,” a Kensington Palace spokesman said.

“Prince Harry was hugely impressed by the Warrior Games, which he visited in the United States in May last year. He said then he would be keen to see it brought to the UK and would do what he could to help.”

His new job, which is expected to last until the end of 2014 – normally these postings are for two years - will allow him to see more of his girlfriend Cressida Bonas, 24, in London as they approach the point where decisions will soon have to be made about whether they want to take their relationship to the next level and get engaged.Defence sources believe moving his job from Wattisham airfield in Suffolk to the capital will also allow the Prince more opportunities to combine a fulltime military role with undertaking royal duties and charity work.The 29-year-old Prince, known as Captain Harry Wales in the Army, spent three and a half years training and serving as a top gun Apache helicopter co-pilot gunner on attachment to the Army Air Corps.

Harry, apache, helicopters, flyingHarry has gone from flying the apache helicopters to a normal day for millions [GETTY]

After training costing the taxpayer £1 million, he served in Afghanistan for just over four months at the end of 2012 and early 2013.

Lieutenant Colonel Tom de la Rue, who commanded Harry in the Army Air Corps, said: "Captain Wales has reached the pinnacle of flying excellence as an Apache pilot, particularly in Afghanistan and, in the process, has proved to be a real inspiration to the many Army Air Corps officers and soldiers who have come to know him so well over the last two years."

In the face of criticism, the Ministry of Defence rejected suggestions that his new job was a waste of the £1 million training programme or that the role had been created for him. “It’s not unusual at all for officers to move to a staff job after this sort of time,” said a spokesman. "This was an existing job."

Harry has remained an officer of the Household Cavalry’s Blues and Royals regiment and has already left his attachment to the Army Air Corps after returning to Wattisham to hand in his kit and complete some administrative formalities earlier this month.


In the last few days, in preparation for his new role, which starts next week, he has shaved off the beard he grew while on a trek to the South Pole with wounded servicemen in December. The Army does not generally allow men to sport beards on duty in the UK.

His new posting does not mean he has given up the chance to fight on the front line for good. After this job, he could return to operational duties such as commanding a squadron in his regiment or he could move to another staff officer position.

If he stays in the Army, he will be expected to seek promotion to the rank of Major within the next two to three years but he will need further qualifications before he is eligible. “Promotion is not automatic; it’s competitive,” said one officer.

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