Diamond Champion John Shannon is a volunteer hero

A RETIRED teacher who has been volunteering to help others for 80 years is among a dozen people who will be honoured by the Duchess of Cornwall next week as one of her Diamond Champions.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

John Shannon in Harrogate yesterday John Shannon in Harrogate yesterday [ROSS PARRY]

At 97, John Shannon has given more than most to assist old and young in his community. He is the very epitome of what Camilla last year called “the priceless generation” of over-60s who go the extra mile to help others.

Mr Shannon, who lives in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, comes from an energetic family that likes to keep busy, even though they reluctantly have to accept they cannot do as much as they once did.

He said: “I’ve just had to pack up playing table tennis this year because of a bad back.

“My son John, who is 71, has just been dropped from the England veterans football team. He is furious because they’ve told him they’ve got to drop him to make way for younger players.

“He wouldn’t have minded if they’d said he wasn’t good enough.”

Father and son will be at Lancaster House in central London for a reception hosted by Camilla on January 30 when Mr Shannon senior joins 11 other volunteers from across Britain who have been named Diamond Champions by a judging panel including actress Patricia Routledge and Daily Express editor Hugh Whittow for the outstanding contribution they make to the lives of others.

Launched in 2012 as an official project celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, Diamond Champions is a Daily Express-backed initiative run by the older people’s charity the Royal Voluntary Service – formerly WRVS – to honour and encourage people aged over 60 who do voluntary work.

John Shannon, Eileen ShannonJohn with his wife Eileen in 1942 [John-Shannon-Eileen-Shannon]


Mr Shannon, who lives entirely independently in a care home in Harrogate, provides friendship and support to other residents and works for several charities.

He became a volunteer with Harrogate-based Carers Time Off after the death of his wife Eileen in 2008. During his wife’s illness he was supported by volunteers from the charity, who gave him the opportunity to take a break from caring for her around the clock. When she died, he vowed to work for the group to help others.

Over the past two years he has supported six carers and currently helps a man 10 years his junior who suffers with dementia.

Originally from Barking, Essex, Mr Shannon has also been a valued volunteer with Supporting Older People for the past five years and works as a telephone befriender for Age UK.

A dedicated Rotarian, a Red Cross examiner and an active member of his church, he has worked for good causes since the 1930s.

He led a prison visiting scheme in the 1930s at Winchester, was an examiner for Girl Guide badges in the 1960s and trained as a volunteer FA coach under England’s first full-time football manager Sir Walter Winterbottom.

He remains modest about his achievements. “There are hundreds of people who do far more than I have ever done,” he said. “But if many more people volunteered, society would be much better.”

Television presenter Phillip Schofield, a Royal Voluntary Service ambassador, will present the awards at Lancaster House. He said: “Older volunteers perform a really important but too often unrecognised role. Diamond Champions is a great way of celebrating their work.”

The 12 champions honoured will be presented with a specially designed pin and a certificate signed by Camilla.

David McCullough, Royal Voluntary Service chief executive, said: “We are delighted to hold a reception to celebrate the contribution of older volunteers in Britain. They are truly deserving of the honour.”

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