'For her comfort' The Queen pulls out of part of her duties at historic ceremony

THE Queen's increasing frailty was laid bare today after she pulled out of part of her historic duties in a ceremony at Westminster Abbey.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Queen, Westminster AbbeyThe Queen has pulled out of part of her duties at a historic ceremony[EPA/PA/SPLASH]

Aides decided she was not up to taking part in a key element of the Order of the Bath service because of the weight of her tiara and other ceremonial garments. Prince Charles stood in for her.

The 88-year-old monarch had been due to be pictured for the first time at one of the most sacred parts of the service, giving an offering in the Lady Chapel shortly after the installation of new knights.

But at the rehearsal yesterday, aides decided that it was too much for the Queen in all her regalia to climb up the steep steps to her stall, climb down to take part in that element of the ceremony, climb back up again and then step down to leave.

After consulting with her, it was decided that Prince Charles, 65, should undertake that part of the ceremony to stop her making an extra journey to her stall.

"It's a decision that has been taken purely for the Queen's comfort," a Buckingham Palace spokesperson said.

 Aides decided she was not up to taking part in a key element of the Order of the Bath service [SPLASH]

It's a decision that has been taken purely for the Queen's comfort

It was the first time that palace officials had admitted that the head of state was no longer able to undertake some duties, apart from an acknowledgement two years ago that her overseas travel, particularly long haul trips, were being curbed due to her advancing years.

The Queen,  wearing her grandmother Queen Mary's tiara, the collar and mantle of the order and a white Angela Kelly gown, watched Charles take the key role in the ceremony. He wore Naval No 1 uniform with aiguillettes beneath his mantle as Great Master of the order.

A service is held every four years which Charles attends and the Queen goes to every second service, that is every eight years.

Her last one was on May 17, 2006. She will be 96 the next time she is due to attend the service.

The historic photograph of Charles was taken in the Lady Chapel and showed a scene very similar to one in a 1928 oil painting by Francis Owen Salisbury depicting the 88-year-old monarch's grandfather, George V. Salisbury's picture, given to the order and held by the Royal Collection, showed the then King making reverence towards the altar, about to make an offering of gold and silver after the installation of new knights of the order.

Buckingham Palace was making the historic images of both Charles and his great grandfather available today to promote interest in the service.

The Order of the Bath, revived by George I in 1725, traces its origins back to late medieval times. The name arose from ritual washing as a symbol of spiritual purification which formed part of a knight's preparations before receiving a knighthood.

The honour was not conferred until the candidates had prepared themselves by various rituals designed to purify the inner soul by fasting, vigils and prayer, and cleansing themselves by bathing.

 Prince Charles stood in for the Queen for those duties [SPLASH]

The earliest mention of the ceremony of bathing at the creation of a knight in an official document after the Norman Conquest is that of 15-year-old Geoffrey count of Anjou in 1128.

At Henry V's coronation in 1413 "fifty gallant young gentlemen, candidates for Knighthood of the Bath, according to custom went into the baths prepared severally for them".

The Order of the Bath is mainly awarded to officers of the Armed Services, as well as to a small number of civil servants.

Numbers may be increased in times of war or in the event of any military or civil action or service which merits 'peculiar honour or reward'.

In 1971 women were admitted to the Order for the first time.

The Order now consists of the Sovereign (The Queen), the Great Master (The Prince of Wales) and three classes of members. The statutes provide for 120 Knights and Dames Grand Cross (GCB), 295 Knights and Dames Commander (KCB and DCB) and 1,455 Companions (CB).

 The Queen attending the Order of Bath service in 1998 [PA]

By the end of the fifteenth century, many of the ceremonial rituals were beginning to disappear, although 'Knights of the Bath' were still made at coronations - the court goldsmith made 75 badges for Charles II's coronation.

The Order was revived by George I in 1725 as a regular military order, to serve the purposes of the first Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole, who required an additional source for political rewards.

Admiral Lord Nelson was among the many celebrated members of the order.

In 1815, at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the Prince Regent (later George IV) created two divisions, military and civil.

The rites of bathing, vigils and so on were formally abolished.

A total of 34 of the most senior Knights Grand Cross are allocated stalls in the Chapel.

Above these are hung the standards of the knights and their armorial plates are affixed to the stalls. The stallplates of past knights can be seen attached to the stalls, and among these is that of Lord Nelson.

The Star of the military knights and Dames Grand Cross is composed of rays of silver, charged with an eight-pointed (Maltese) cross.

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