Map? One has one's sat-nav

THE Queen learned map reading skills in the Second World War but appeared to suggest they were outdated during a school visit yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

A sat-nav on top of a mapGETTY

Queen suggests maps are outdated during school visit

Watching children in a geography class crouched over coordinates, the 88-year-old monarch heard pupil Josh Jacques, 11, explain they had been set the task of finding a point on the map.

The Queen, who studied maps with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, said: “Nowadays you probably have a sat-nav or something.”

She and Prince Philip went to Holyport College, Berkshire, the first free school to offer boarding places, to officially open the ground-breaking state-funded institution, which is free of local authority control.

Nowadays you probably have a sat-nav or something

The Queen

The Royals also met Sir Nicholas Winton, the “British Schindler”, who lives nearby.

The school named its reception building after the 105-yearold who helped to save hundreds of children, mainly from Jewish families, from the Nazis, transporting them by train from Prague to the UK in 1939.

The school, which opened its doors to 122 pupils in September, is sponsored by nearby Eton College.

Eton allows Holyport pupils to use its sports facilities and sends student volunteers to help their peers. 

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