Buy British food to help our farms, says Prince Charles

PRINCE Charles has urged people to buy British food whenever possible to support farms and save the countryside.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles PH

Prince Charles urges British people to buy from British farms where possible

Warning that family farms face increasing pressure because of falling prices, rising costs, the strong pound and potential payment delays, he has called on the public to harness their consumer power by shopping for homegrown produce instead of imported food.

His plea came in a message written for Country Life magazine to mark his 67th birthday on November 14.

He said: “On a sufficient scale the purchasing decisions of individuals can and do change markets.

Prince Charles in the antipodes for New Zealand tour

Prince Charles GETTY

Prince Charles says that his brand Waitrose Duchy Organic buys from Britain when possible

Is it really sensible to rely on very small numbers of huge, industrial-scale farms?

Prince Charles

“Those of us who care enough about the grave situation facing our farmers and rural communities really can help by buying British food whenever we can. In doing so we are also more likely to be getting fresh, high quality produce from a known and trusted source, offering good value for money.”

The heir to the throne has insisted that Waitrose Duchy Organic, the brand he operates in partnership with Waitrose, buys British ingredients when it can.

But in 2006 the firm, then known as Duchy Originals, upset Scottish fish farmers after buying salmon from Alaska and shipping it thousands of miles to Scotland to be smoked on the grounds that it was from sustainable stocks.

Prince Charles, now on an official tour of New Zealand and Australia with his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, features on the magazine front cover at his Gloucestershire retreat, Highgrove.

He said city-dwellers might not appreciate the importance of British farming.

Prince Charles PH

Prince Charles is to have a feature in Country Life

He added: “It is perhaps worth spelling out, especially to those who live largely urban lifestyles, that we rely on farmers to make a huge contribution to our nation’s food security, environment and prosperity.”

Championing small family farms, he asked: “Is it really sensible to rely on very small numbers of huge, industrial-scale farms?”

Prince Charles GETTY

Prince Charles questions if it is wise for us to rely on intensive farming

He concluded: “To me, our living, breathing, working countryside is one of the great glories of this country. I think we should treasure it, including its people.”

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