Prince William visits cancer specialist hospital to examine tumour cells

THE Duke of Cambridge donned a lab coat to examine tumour cells and other samples at one of the world's leading cancer specialist hospitals today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent


Prince William today examined tumour cells

"It's a bit chilly," Prince William said as he put on a white coat to see where the samples are stored at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust in Sutton, south-west London.

Janine Salter, the Royal Marsden's tissue bank manager, replied: "You don't want to put your hand in there."

William, 33, became the Royal Marsden's president in 2007, following in the footsteps of his mother Princess Diana, who held the same position from 1989 until her death in 1997.


During his visit to the hospital today he heard inspiring stories from patients


The Duke of Cambridge is the president of the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Fortunately they accepted me and I've started treatment. The hospital itself is a wonderful place

Peter Benstead

During his visit to the hospital today he heard inspiring stories from patients receiving pioneering new treatments. 

The second in line to the throne looked visibly moved when cancer patient Michael Tyrrell, 48, told him he had undergone seven rounds of chemotherapy since the disease was found between his oesophagus and stomach in April.

Afterwards, the grandfather of five from Burgh Heath in Surrey said William had been "positive and upbeat".

"I started on trials this week," he said. "We're all here for one reason. We're all trying to get better."

ROYAL VISIT- Prince William and wife Kate Middleton open children's cancer unit


He followed followed in the footsteps of his mother Princess Diana, who also held the position

Peter Benstead, 89, told William he had been given a "new lease of life" since taking part in trials at the hospital after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007.

The great-grandfather of four said: "I'd had three lots of chemotherapy and one lot of radiotherapy. The senior oncologist said there was no more treatment that they could offer but they could refer me to the Royal Marsden.

"Fortunately they accepted me and I've started treatment. The hospital itself is a wonderful place." 

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