Prince George to go to nursery NEXT MONTH at £33 per day Norfolk school rated 'good'

Prince George is to begin attending a Montessori school in Norfolk next month, Kensington Palace said today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince George will be attending nursery next monthPA

Prince George will be attending nursery next month

‎He will begin at the Westacre Montessori School Nursery in Norfolk before the end of January.

The nursery said: "We are looking forward to welcoming George to our nursery where he will get the same special experience as all of our children."

At £33 per day, Westacre Montessori is cheaper than many London nurseries. It is located in the village of East Walton, a 10-mile, 20-minute drive from Anmer.

The Cambridges have spent an increasing amount of time at Anmer Hall, their 10-bedroom country home on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, despite taxpayers forking out £4.5 million to upgrade their official London residence at Kensington Palace.

Aides had said they would spend most of their time at the London residence but they soon got fed up with the public and media attention in London and it quickly became clear they intended to base themselves in Norfolk.

William's role as a helicopter pilot for East Anglia Air Ambulance has made that easier and it has long been thought likely that they would want their children to go to school in Norfolk, at least for the first few years.


Asked about their choice of nursery today, a royal source said: "They felt this was ideal as a first step for Prince George's early education. And the location makes sense given the Duke's role while he's flying."

It is understood the couple looked at several nurseries before opting for the Westacre Montessori one.

Montessori education, developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori at the end of the 19th century and culminating in the opening of her first school in 1907, encourages independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural psychological, physical and social development.

There are various interpretations but Montessori schools usually have mixed age classrooms and give children a choice of activity.

George is expected to start part-time at £5.50 per hour.

The nursery, based in an old chapel, caters for up to 20 children.

It says it has an open door policy but is showing no vacancies at the moment.

On its website it says: "We aim to achieve the best possible outcome for each individual child and have in the past met the needs of children on the autistic spectrum and physically disabled.‎"

An Ofsted report published in July found it good but not outstanding.

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