Kate and William's hospital Range Rover fails to find buyer

DESPITE its royal pedigree, the Range Rover the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge used to take Prince George home from hospital after his birth is struggling to find a buyer.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince William with the Range RoverGETTY

Prince William lowers the newborn Prince George in to the Range Rover

Three weeks after the car’s sale was announced, William and Kate’s Range Rover Vogue SE has so far attracted a highest bid of £49,970 – far below the £75,000 reserve price.

Land Rover gave the top-of-the-range 4x4 to the couple in 2013, when they used it to take George home from the private Lindo Wing at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington.

William and KateGETTY

William and Kate present baby George to the world's media

After clocking up 31,000 miles, the royal couple returned it to the brand’s VIP department which sold it on.

Prince WilliamGETTY

The Range Rover has failed to get anywhere near its £75,000 reserve price

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Nathaniel Comer of Third World charity Sunscreen IT, bought the car in April hoping to sell it to raise funds.

He extended the sale and switched it to online auction site CharityStars.com after just eight bids were received.

This comes days after the royal pair wished Team GB good luck in the Rio Olympics in a recorded message

William, Kate and Prince Harry sent their message of support ahead of the opening ceremony in Brazil last Friday. 

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