Prince Harry leads Britain in remembrance at Armed Forces Memorial

PRINCE Harry led the nation in remembering the fallen on Armistice Day today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry WENN

Prince Harry will lead the nation in remembrance today

Rupert Brooke’s The Soldier, which begins: “If I should die, think only this of me: that there’s some corner of a foreign field that is forever England.”

The 32-year-old , who served for 10 years in the Army including two tours of Afghanistan, was joined in the chilly autumn sunshine by hundreds of veterans and the loved ones left behind to mourn the dead.

He took the salute during a parade of current serving personnel and veterans as Squirrel HT1 helicopters, which both he and Prince William trained on at RAF Shawbury in Shropshire, flew overhead.

The Prince was also shown some of the 16,000 names carved into the Portland Stone of the cream-coloured memorial commemorating those who have fallen on active service since 1948.

The children are all from Year 6 and they loved him

Caroline Bullock - Teacher

He spoke to a 98-year-old Second World War veteran who the Prince observed had earlier decided to “ditch the wheelchair” for the parade when he marched proudly alongside other veterans. 

He told the old soldier: “It’s a privilege to meet you.”

Afterwards Harry made an impromptu stop to chat to a group of schoolchildren from Ashperton Primary School in Herefordshire.

Prince Harry's first public appearance since girlfriend news

“Are you having a day off school?” he asked them.

“Who sat on the back seat?! Is that still important? And did you have a sing-song?” he asked as they all giggled.

The youngsters’ teacher Caroline Bullock said: “The children are all from Year 6 and they loved him. He’s so friendly and lovely. He’s got that common touch.”

The memorial is designed so that on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month a shaft of sunlight hits the central bronze wreath sculpture.

Dressed in white uniform, attended

Prince Harry laying wrathWENN

The 32-year-old is set to attend a Service of Remembrance at the Armed Forces Memorial

He laid a wreath at the war memorial at the Old Christian Cemetery, where remembrance services have taken place since 1993.

Elsewhere in Britain, Labour leader paid his respects along with hundreds of other people at the Cenotaph in central Manchester.

In Eastbourne, East Sussex, shoppers broke out into a spontaneous round of applause after observing the two-minute silence at the Arndale Centre.

Up to 1,000 people gathered for a two-minute silence in the Garden of Remembrance at the City Hall in Belfast, including Democratic Unionist Lord Mayor Brian Kingston and Sinn Fein Deputy Lord Mayor Mary Ellen Campbell.

Prince Harry GETTY

On Thursday the Prince visited Westminster Abbey's Field of Remembrance with his father

Northern Ireland’s First Minister, Arlene Foster, paused to reflect at the war memorial in Enniskillen during a separate service.

At Edinburgh Castle, a cannon was fired to signal the start of the two-minute silence while in Glasgow a service was held at the cenotaph in George Square.

First Minister did not attend an event but marked the two-minute silence in private and will take part in a Remembrance Sunday service.

In Leeds, hundreds also gathered for a service at the city’s Cenotaph.

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