'You made it seem like it hurts!' Rihanna jokes with Prince Harry as they take HIV tests

PRINCE Harry and pop superstar Rihanna took HIV tests together today in an effort to reduce the stigma surrounding the virus.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry and Rihanna take HIV test in Barbados

It was the second time that Harry had taken a test in public in five months.

Both times he has tested negative, as Rihanna did today.

The Prince, who took a similar finger prick test in front of the cameras in London in July, had teased her that it was painful.

"Do you know what you're doing?" he had asked the counsellor who performed the test when she was giving him counselling before the procedure.

He then winced as she stuck the pin prick in.

When Rihanna had the same thing done to her seconds later, she laughed.

Prince Harry taking an HIV test with RihannaGETTY

Prince Harry and Rihanna took an HIV test in Barbados

"You made it seem like it hurts", Rihanna said, laughing, before hinting that she might have done a rehearsal before the public test. 

"The one this morning was worse. Trust me," she added.

Harry, 32, persuaded the 28-year-old Barbadian superstar to take the test in public with her today when the pair chatted together back stage for 15 minutes after the Prince delivered a speech at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Barbados' independence at the Kensington Oval cricket ground in Bridgetown last night.

The pair urged Rihanna's manager Jay Brown to join them but in vain.

"You're laughing now..." Rihanna said. "Come and sit here"

Harry, joined in. "There's a spare seat. Anyone else want to come and join us?" he asked, looking around the assembled journalists.

Harry had his left thumb pricked by Susette Neblett-Straughn, a counsellor at the Ministry of Health HIV/STI programme who has conducted thousands of HIV tests over the past 12 years.

Prince Harry taking HIV testGETTY

The Prince took finger prick test in front of the cameras

Rihanna's tests was done by HIV counsellor Felicia Innis.

While they waited for their results, the pair spent the next 20 minutes touring stalls set up in the centre of the capital Bridgetown to promote the Man Aware campaign, urging men in Barbados to get tested.

Aids workers worry that many Caribbean men, as in Britain, are unaware that they are carrying the HIV virus and ruin their chances of continuing a healthy life because they  refuse to get tested early due to the stigma surrounding the illness.

Harry and Rihanna stopped  at a makeshift barber shop set up in a small marquee, where one was having a shave. 

Prince Harry and RihannaGETTY

The royal is visiting Barbados as part of his Caribbean tour

Fabian Sargeant, another HIV counsellor and social worker, explained that a barber shop was a perfect place to raise awareness of the need for HIV testing because it was where people discussed sex, friendship, and what was going on in their lives.

"I need to go to a barber shop!" Rihanna said to laughter. "Not for sex!" she added quickly, wagging her finger and laughing.

Harry interjected: "Everybody tells their hairdresser everything."

Mr Sargeant explained that there were so many myths surrounding sex in Caribbean culture.

"One of the myths is that royalty don't have sex," he said amid laughter.

"And that royalty has blue blood?" Harry asked, perhaps hoping to change the subject.

"And we had a discussion earlier that royalty does not engage in oral sex," Mr Sargeant said, before explaining that it was not necessarily something they would discuss with actual royalty.

"That's why I'm not sitting in that chair," Harry said, gesturing towards the barber, as those around him laughed.

"I'm not sitting in that chair," Harry said, gesturing towards the barber, as those around him laughed.

Rihanna taking the HIV testPA

The pair were explained the sort of questions that get asked before taking the test

"I am very positive about what you are doing here," Rihanna told the social workers.

The superstar, who had driven herself to the engagement in a Jeep, said she was surprised how uncomplicated the whole HIV test was. "This is so easy," she said.

The two counsellors had explained to her and Harry the sort of questions they ask people about to undergo the test: questions such as how many sexual partners they have had in the past few months, whether there have been any new partners and whether they have had sex in the last two days.

But it is not thought the pair were asked specifically about their own sex lives.

Prince Harry taking an HIV testGETTY

It is not thought the Prince and the pop star were asked about their sex lives

Harry and his advisors hoped that Rihanna agreeing to undergo the test would help spread the word across the Caribbean, where she has demi-god status among young people, and the wider world.

A Kensington Palace spokesman  said: "This is a really positive thing to do. This was only arranged last night.

"Prince Harry asked her at the concert. They spoke after he had given his speech. They spoke for about 15 minutes.

Prince Harry and RihannaGETTY

Prince Harry campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV

"She was very happy to do it. She has had people in her life that she has known who have died from AIDS. She said this is important and she wanted to do this.

"She has tens of millions of followers on social media alone. Her people are confident that she can reach a billion people through social media."

Harry has taken up his mother's crusade to campaign to reduce the stigma surrounding HIV AIDS. 

Harry and Rihanna, who hugged each other and posed for pictures with the counsellors, gave television interviews to get their message over on World AIDS Day.

Rihanna said of Harry: "I just think it's incredible what he is doing to bring awareness to HIV and AIDS.

"The most important thing about this is ending the stigma surrounding the disease and knowing your status."

Harry said: "The earlier you get tested the quicker you get on the  medication.

"It'a the stigma surrounding this that we have to break. There are a lot of issues around family dynamics and generational gaps that we have to get over, especially with men.

"We have a huge part to play in this. It's just that - normalising and destigmatising of the testing. 

"Everyone can get tested even if they are in no danger of being potentially HIV positive."

Harry took an HIV test in London in July live in front of the cameras. It produced a negative result.

His action prompted an upsurge in people taking similar tests.

Around 1,500 people or 0.6 per cent of Barbados's 275,000 population is thought to be HIV positive - but as in Britain, there are many more who do not know they are infected.

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