Help For Heroes: Prince Harry learns about mental health project for military veterans

NINE months after hinting that he still suffers disturbing flashbacks from his time in Afghanistan, Prince Harry urged military veterans to focus on their mental recovery today.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The fifth in line to the throne, who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan before leaving the Army,

suggested mental recovery was as important as the physical for wounded servicemen and women.

He spoke passionately about the need for mental fitness during a visit to the charity Help for Heroes' recovery centre at Tedworth House in Wiltshire.

Harry, 32, said: "Getting back your mental as well as your physical fitness is a really important thing.

"One of the biggest struggles is accepting that there is a problem in the first place."

In April last year he spoke about things he had seen in Afghanistan. "It's always in there and if you have dark moments in your life those slides will pop up," he said.

The Prince went to Wiltshire today to learn more about Tedworth's Hidden Wounds psychological and wellbeing service, which has just treated its 1,000th user.

The service helps those suffering from issues such as PTSD but also depression, stress, anger, anxiety and early stage alcohol issues often connected with leaving military service.

Prince HarryWENN

Prince Harry visited a Help for Heroes recovery centre

During weekly sessions which can take place either face-to-face or over the phone or via the internet, veterans and their families are helped to understand their emotions and overcome their demons.

Harry, who said he missed the  black humour and camaraderie  of Army life, was in his element as he chatted to some of those who have received help from Tedworth House.

Among them was Mike 'Doris' Day, 34, formerly a sniper section commander in  the 4th Battalion The Rifles whose back was broken when he was hit by a grenade in Afghanistan in 2009.

Alongside him was Eddie Beddoes, 42, an ex-infantry soldier who suffered terrible injuries after being hit in Bosnia in 1995. 

Both have worked on a major project in the gardens of Tedworth House, building an Iron Age Roundhouse over the past 18 months.

Prince Harry at Help For HeroesWENN

Hidden Wounds allows people to seek help in self-managing their issues

The project has not only taught them new skills such as carpentry and woodcraft but helped with the mental scars left by their respective ordeals.

"This is why this place helps, just getting out, getting my head clear," said Doris.

Harry chatted intently with them about their lives.

"Did you both turn to the bottle?" he asked them.

"I did when I got out, for quite a few years,"Eddie admitted. "But then you settle down and have a family. But then there are the ups and downs associated with that."

Doris said: "To be honest the most difficult thing was accepting that I would never get back the person I was before.

"I was at the height of my career and knowing that I could never do that job again was a big shock, it still is.

"This place, just doing the woodwork and carving is so therapeutic. There is no one telling us what to do, it's just us working as a team. I come up here once a month for four days and this place always brings out the best in me."

Harry replied: "Getting back your mental health, mental wellbeing, your mental fitness is a really important thing. Rather than operating at fifty or sixty per cent you can operate at eighty or ninety percent and be a better person. Look at what you have achieved with this. It is remarkable. I thought I was good at carpentry, but clearly I'm not."

The Prince also chatted with Glyn Cassidy, 43, formerly of the Army Air Corps, who suddenly underwent quadruple heart bypass surgery in July 2015 and has been working on the project as a way of acquiring new skills.

He now has a chainsaw licence and and qualifications in land management that he hopes to use when he leaves the military in May.

Afterwards Harry visited the garden area where again beneficiaries can come and work outdoors giving space for quiet reflection, understanding the value of nutrition in wellbeing, and the opportunity to be creative. 

Prince Harry at Help For HeroesWENN

The young Prince visited those in the programme building an Iron Age round house

There he met John Geden, a former RMP officer, who sought help from the Tedworth House team and went on to set up his own honey business, Sinah Common Honey in Hayling Island, which is on course to produce three tons of honey this year. 

He now offers bee-keeping courses at the house.

He told Harry: "I wouldn't be standing here now if it wasn't for the help that they gave me."

He also gave the Prince a jar of honey to try and told him that he could raffle it if he wanted.

"Raffle it? I'll be putting that on my toast in the morning!" Harry said, laughing.

Before he left Harry chatted with other servicemen and women who were passing on the benefit of the help that they had received to newcomers to the Hidden Wounds service.

"You need to start that conversation, give people the confidence to come forward and get their help,"he said. 

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