Prince Philip was ‘very randy’ when he was a young sailor, says old shipmate

THE Duke of Edinburgh finally met his match today as he approached retirement after 70 years of royal service - a former Naval colleague who remembered him being "randy".

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

 Prince PhilipGETTY

A former Naval colleague said Prince Philip was 'very randy' when he was a young sailor

For his entire career, he has been the Duke of Hazard, the master of the witty one-liner designed to throw a spanner in the works and lighten the mood at formal engagements where his wife's presence often leaves hosts tongue-tied and nervous.

But for once was out Philipped by a fellow sailor as he joined the at a service of thanksgiving marking the centenary of Pangbourne College in Berkshire.

Philip, 96 next month, met Commander Keith Evans,  now 97, in 1947 the year that Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten married the then Princess Elizabeth. 

Asked for his recollections of Philip when he met him again today, 70 years later, Cdr Evans, replied:  "He was a bit randy - but you had better not put that down."

A few minutes later, however, he decided to set aside his discretion - but with one proviso. "Not 'a bit'," he said. "'Very'." 

Cdr Evans,  who served on HMS Hood met the Duke as he and the Queen visited the college. 

"Like Prince Philip, I'm standing down from most things in August, " he joked. 

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Philip joined the Queen at a service of thanksgiving marking the centenary of Pangbourne College

Queen and Prince Philip arrive at Pangbourne College

He added about Philip' s decision to retire:" I think it is rather good news. He will do what he wants rather than what she tells him to do. "

He was a bit randy - but you had better not put that down

Commander Keith Evans

On Thursday, Philip announced his plans to retire from public duties in the autumn, although his son the Earl of Wessex said he may still make appearances.

Prince Edward said: "I don't believe he's going to be putting his feet up completely and disappearing into the background ... He'll pick and choose what he wants to do and how he wants to do it and what's practical."

Pangbourne College, a fee-paying school set in rolling fields on the outskirts of the town of Pangbourne, has a long association with the Queen. She has been visited it four times in the past with her first trip coming in 1943.

When the royal couple arrived, the Duke stepped out first from the state limousine and he dutifully waited for the Queen and followed on behind her.

The Queen was wearing an ensemble by Angela Kelly, a pastel tweed dress and coat in shades of pale pink, mint and gold and a matching hat, she also wore a diamond Tiger-Lilly brooch.

After meeting local dignitaries the royal couple attended the centenary service in the school's Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel.

The school was founded in 1917 by shipowner and shipbroker Sir Thomas Lane Devitt as the Nautical College, Pangbourne near Reading.

His vision was to prepare boys to be officers in the Merchant Navy but by 1969, with the merchant fleet shrinking rapidly and many boys opting for university, the college shed much of the nautical training in favour of a more traditional academic focus and was renamed Pangbourne College.

Cdr Evans, who lives in Haslemere, Surrey, and is chairman of the HMS Hood Association as well as being the oldest living Pangbournian, met Philip – who had come to Britain as Prince Philip of Greece - when they were both at HMS Royal Arthur, a shore establishment at Corsham, Wiltshire.

“He was 18 months junior,” he said. “He was Lieutenant. I was about to be promoted to Lieutenant Commander. He was then Lieutenant Mountbatten – they had got rid of all that Greek nonsense.”

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The Duke met Commander Keith Evans in 1947 the year he married then Princess Elizabeth

After lunch at the college he reminisced with Philip about their old times and showed him a letter that Philip has sent him – addressed to “My dear Scratch” - after he had written to the Prince congratulating him on his engagement. 

He chose, however, not to remind him of the time he deliberately kept Philip waiting – just because he could. 

Cdr Evans recalled that Philip had to see the captain of HMS Arthur because he wanted to visit his future father-in-law, King George VI, to confirm that he wanted to marry his daughter.

 “I happened to be secretary to the captain. The captain, who was a little mischievous, said to me, ‘He is a bit junior to you. Let’s keep him waiting in your office while we have a glass of gin.’ Which we did.”

If Cdr Evans was frank about Philip, he was even more outspoken about his time at Pangbourne, then known as the Nautical College. “It was pretty bloody awful then,” he said. “It’s a bit better now.

“The standard of education was not good. The accommodation was in Nissen huts. But I made many friends.”

The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip through the years

Cdr Evans, who was not on the Hood when it was sunk by the German battleship the Bismarck at the Battle of the Denmark Strait in May 1941, added: “All of my friends were killed in the war. I got through the war, fortunately.”

Despite last week’s announcement that Philip, 95, is to retire from public life at the end of the summer, the Duke was on on top form on his fourth outing to Pangbourne. He was chatty, alert, and asked many questions about the changes at the college since he was last there and the motif on the chains of office of the chairman of West Berkshire Council.

He may no longer measure up to the description offered by Cdr Evans but was still as capable of charming the ladies as ever.

On the greeting line-up before the service of thanksgiving at the Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel, he raised a laugh from Deborah Puxley, wife of the Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire, who had been standing there feeling somewhat chilly.

Prince PhillipGETTY

Last Week is was announced that Philip, 95, is to retire from public life at the end of the summer

“It was my cold hands,” she said. “He was so sweet. We shook hands, then he held my in both of his and said, ‘You’re freezing.’”

Thomas Garnier, the headmaster, said: “Prince Philip was on very good form. He was very lively, and very interested in the people he met, particularly the students. 

“I thought that he had plenty of spirit still. I imagine that he could go on for a while. I did not get the impression that he was slowing down.”

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