‘He’s a little feisty!’ Prince Charles greeted by a RAM at Mercian Regiment

PRINCE Charles chewed the cud with one of the newest recruits to the Army’s Mercian Regiment today - a ram named Private Derby XXXII.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles greeted by ram at Mercian regiment

In spite of a reputation for feistiness, the regimental mascot was happy enough to be stroked by the heir to the throne during a visit to Bulford Camp in Wiltshire to mark the Prince’s 10 years as Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment.

Charles, 69, was introduced to the 20-month-old Swaledale ram, a new recruit to the Army, by his handlers Ram Major, Corporal Philip Thornton and Ram Orderly, Private Lee Bradbury at the regiment’s barracks at the camp on Salisbury Plain.

Dressed in combat fatigues, black boots and a beret, the Prince asked Cpl Thornton if the ram, which only took up its role a few weeks ago, was trained.


Prince Chalres met a the Swaledale ram on his visit to Bulford Camp in Wiltshire

He’s a little bit feisty, sir

Corporal Philip Thornton

When Cpl Thornton said he was, Charles asked: “Does he behave himself reasonably well?”

The Ram Major replied: “He’s a little bit feisty, sir.”

Charles, who presented operatonal medals to troops recently returned from deployments to Iraq and South Sudan and later put on a helmet to view a demonstration of the military vehicles, has an association with the regiment dating back much longer than 10 years.

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Some 40 years ago he became Colonel-in-Chief of the Cheshire Regiment, which was amalgamated with the Worcesterhire and Sherwood Foresters and the Staffordshire Regiment to form the Mercian Regiment in 2007.

The regiment, which has a light infantry battalion, an armoured infantry battalion equipped with Warrior fighting vehicles, and a reserve battalion, has deployed twice to Iraq and seven times to Afghanistan since then.

Private Derby is the 32nd ram to bear the name in a tradition dating back to 1858 during the Indian Mutiny.


The visit was to mark the Prince’s 10 years as Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment

In 1858 a predecessor of the Mercians, the 95th (Derbyshire) Regiment, was chasing Indian troops who had rebelled across India.

Tethered in a temple yard in Kotah they found a fine fighting ram. He marched 3,000 miles across the country with the regiment, witnessing six battles and defeating 33 other rams.

Since then there has always been a ram as a regimental mascot.

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