Queen's birthday party: Her Majesty might NOT enjoy her celebration for THIS reason

THE QUEEN has put duty before pleasure for much of her life but a concert featuring the Jamaican-American rapper Shaggy may be a step too far, according to royal biographer Gyles Brandreth.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Is the Queen going to really enjoy her birthday?PA / AFP / GETTY

Is the Queen going to really enjoy Shaggy performing for her birthday?

Brandreth, the former breakfast television host and ex-Tory MP, has suggested that The Queen’s Birthday Party, a celebration of her links with the Commonwealth which will be screened live on BBC1 at 8pm on Saturday, is not quite the treat Her Majesty might have had in mind.

The monarch will celebrate her 92nd birthday by attending with her family the concert featuring Sir Tom Jones, Kylie Minogue, Craig David, Anne-Marie, Shawn Mendes, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, as well as Sting performing with Shaggy at the Royal Albert Hall.

Writing in this week’s Radio Times, Brandreth, who wrote a 2004 book on the marriage of the Queen and Prince Philip, asked: “Is this really the birthday treat to offer the nation’s greatest national treasure as she embarks on her 93rd extraordinary year?”

He continued: “Word reaches me that the Queen’s grandson, Prince Harry, has been involved in choosing the line-up and I can well believe that British singer/songwriter Anne-Marie, 27, is one of his favourites, but this celebration is supposed to be about the Queen, not her grandchildren.

Gyles Brandreth explains in the Radio TimesRADIO TIMES

Gyles Brandreth explains his worries in this week's Radio Times

Is this really the birthday treat to offer the nation’s greatest national treasure as she embarks on her 93rd extraordinary year?

Gyles Brandreth

“What kind of music does the sovereign actually enjoy? Mostly, of course, stuff she first heard when she was a girl in the 1940s. The ukulele-playing George Formby has always been a particular favourite.

"Apparently, she knows all his songs – and can sing them. Will Tom Jones give us When I’m Cleaning Windows?

"Will Sting and Shaggy duet on Chinese Laundry Blues? I doubt it.”

He predicted that the Queen will still tap her toe and smile, doing her duty.

He said: “And she’s been through worse.

"Over the years, she’s had to make small talk with Idi Amin, hobnob with Robert Mugabe and entertain President Assad of Syria – but that’s all been part of her duty, what she has been doing tirelessly on our behalf for 66 years."

Brandreth, 70, added: “This is supposed to be the Queen’s birthday treat. It’s always possible that, encouraged by Harry, and with great-grandchildren popping out all over the place, she has chosen to get down with the kids.

"If not, give her a George Formby singalong by all means, but spare her Shaggy."

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