Meghan Markle and Prince Harry treated to hongi greeting at Anzac Day service

MEGHAN Markle pressed noses with a Maori performer in her first traditional hongi greeting today when she joined Prince Harry at a dawn service in London to mark Anzac Day.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend Anzac Day ceremony

The royal bride-to-be, wearing a long grey coat and wide-brimmed black hat, attended the colourful but sombre service at the New Zealand and Australian war memorials beside Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner.

It came on the day the two nations commemorated their serving military, war dead, and veterans on the 103rd anniversary of the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign.

Watched by a 3,500-strong crowd, Meghan and Harry rubbed noses in the hongi with Te Ataraiti Waretini, a performer dressed in a traditional Maori cloak, a korowai.

Meghan, 36, won plaudits for the way she conducted herself. Ms Waretini, from Ngati Ranana, the London Maori Club, said: “It was lovely to do the hongi, to share a breath of life. She did it very well.

“She was amazing. I’m not sure if it’s her first time at a Maori ceremony but she did very well.

“It was really lovely to meet her and share the breath of life and share our culture with her and Harry.”

Meghan and Harry Anzac DayGETTY

Meghan Markle was praised for her conduct during the ceremony

It was really lovely to meet her and share the breath of life and share our culture with her and Harry

Te Ataraiti Waretini, performer

She led the couple towards the memorial, calling out to other women in a karanga, a call of sorrow, on a day of remembrance for the sacrifice of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose bravery at Gallipoli in 1915 helped forge the two nations amid the slaughter of 50,000 Allied troops and 86,000 Turks during the campaign in Turkey.

Air Commodore Brian Edwards, head of the Australian Defence Staff in London, read The Last To Leave by Leon Gellert.

He read: “The guns were silent , and the silent hills had bowed their grasses to a gentle breeze.

"I gazed upon the vales and on the rills, and whispered: ‘What of these?’ and ‘What of these?’ These long forgotten dead with sunken graves."

During the 45-minute ceremony the congregation sang Abide With Me, and listened to a reading of John McCrae’s poem In Flanders Fields.

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Brigadier Chris Parsons, head of the New Zealand Defence Staff in London, read The Ode - They shall grow not old - in Maori before his Australian counterpart read it in English.

Harry, 33, his Army medals shining below the breast pocket of his coat, laid a wreath of poppies at the foot of part of the memorial.

His handwritten message read: “For all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of our freedom. Thank you. Harry.”

In another part of the ceremony, he turned and smiled at Meghan as a succession of young children came up to read prayers.

The couple joined the congregation in observing a minute’s silence in between Last Post and Reveille and stood for the national anthems of Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

The London Maori Choir performed the 28th Maori Battalion Hymn, sung each time before they went into battle, and at the end of the service, as Harry and Meghan walked over to watch, the choir performed the famous ka mate haka.

Prince Harry wreathGETTY

Prince Harry laid a wreath along with a personal message

Diplomats, military officers and other dignitaries joined in with the haka, which the All Blacks rugby union team performs before matches.

Otene Hopa, one of the performers, said: “It’s about death or life at my doorstep. Some of our soldiers died and a lot of them lived. So it’s very appropriate for today.”

Mr Hopa thanked Harry and Meghan for coming to the dawn service.

He said: “It was indeed an honour to have them, especially with the wedding looming in just a few weeks now.”

After the main ceremony at the New Zealand memorial, the Prince and his fiancée walked to the other side of Wellington Arch to pay their respects at the Australian memorial.

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They signed a book of commemoration, another first for Meghan, who then watched from the side as Harry laid a wreath at the base of the granite memorial with a hand-written card which read: “In loving memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and the many whose lives were changed forever. Harry.”

The couple, who will visit Australia in October, returned to Kensington Palace ahead of further Anzac Day duties later.

Harry took part in a wreath laying service and parade at the Cenotaph and then both attended an Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey yesterday afternoon.

They were joined by the Duke of Cambridge, making his first public appearance since leaving hospital with his newborn son on Monday.

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