Killer delays trial by falling ill

The trial of child killer Peter Tobin for abducting and murdering a sixth-former 18 years ago has been adjourned after he was taken ill.

The trial of child killer Peter Tobin has been adjourned after he was taken ill The trial of child killer Peter Tobin has been adjourned after he was taken ill

Jurors at Chelmsford Crown Court were told that Tobin complained of feeling unwell earlier and had been taken to hospital.

Tobin, 62, who comes from Johnstone, Renfrewshire, denies murdering Dinah McNicol, of Tillingham, Essex.

The trial was adjourned until Monday. The judge was not due to sit on Friday for administrative reasons.

Miss McNicol vanished in August 1991 after attending a music festival in Liphook, Hampshire.

Her remains were found buried in the garden of one of Tobin's former homes in Margate, Kent, in November 2007.

Jurors have been told that Tobin is already serving a life sentence after being convicted of the murder of 15-year-old Vicky Hamilton.

Vicky vanished in Bathgate, near Edinburgh, in February 1991.

Her remains were found near Miss McNicol's in November 2007.

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