Royal wedding harpist admits passbook fraud

THE royal harpist who played at Prince Charles and Camilla’s wedding admitted yesterday trying to defraud a building society with a passbook stolen in a burglary.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Royal musician Jemima Phillips at court Royal musician Jemima Phillips at court

Jemima Phillips, who performed at numerous receptions for the Queen and other members of the Royal Family in her role as official harpist to Charles between 2004 and 2007, pleaded guilty to the charge when she appeared at Gloucester Crown Court.

But the talented blonde musician denied four other charges of burgling houses in her home area of the Forest of Dean, Glos, during a six-day period in May and was ordered to stand trial next month.

Prosecutor Kirsty Real said Phillips’ admission on the one count of dishonestly using a passbook to try to defraud the Nationwide Building Society at its branch in Monmouth in May was not acceptable and there would have to be a trial.

Phillips, 27, a Royal College of Music graduate and a former semi-finalist in the BBC Young Musician Of The Year comp­etition, was the only musician to play at Charles and Camilla’s wedding at Windsor in April 2005. She appeared in the dock wearing a black-and-white striped knitted top, black mini skirt, black tights and black patent high-heel shoes.

Alongside her in the dock was her co-accused, William Davies, 41, of Cheltenham, who also denied raiding the four houses between May 22 and 28 this year.

Davies, who has short dark hair and wore a black T-shirt and trousers, was remanded in custody while Phillips was granted bail.

The trial date was fixed for October 19 at Gloucester Crown Court but both will be back in the dock before then, on September 29, for a progress hearing. At her first appearance at Cheltenham Magistrates Court, Phillips’s solicitor Malcolm Perry said: “She is a highly gifted musician and indeed played at the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles.”

She also performed at the reception hosted by the Queen for the 2012 Olympic bid and at the wedding of Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips to Autumn Kelly.

Prestigious venues where she has played include Balmoral Castle, Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Windsor Castle, Guildhall in London, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Phillips also played at the birthday celebrations of Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Alexandra and featured in the first concert to be recorded from the ballroom of Buckingham Palace.

In 2007 Claire Jones, 22, from Pembrokeshire, took over the royal harpist role which had lapsed from 1911 until Prince Charles revived it.

Three people have held the post in its present incarnation.

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