Prince Charles: Tackle a lout and you risk a stabbing

PRINCE Charles weighed into the debate on Broken Britain yesterday, warning of the risks of ordinary citizens being stabbed while trying to stop litter louts.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince Charles s comment appeared to support Conservative criticisms of Labour s policies on crime Prince Charles's comment appeared to support Conservative criticisms of Labour’s policies on crime

The heir to the throne courted controversy on the eve of the general election campaign by making an unscripted remark about the dangers of intervening to tackle anti-social behaviour.

His comment, which appeared to support Conservative criticisms of Labour’s policies on crime, a key election issue, came as he joined a group of secondary school pupils in Szentendre, Hungary, debating about how they would react to someone dropping litter in woodland.


Asked whether he would intervene, Charles, 61, replied: “You’re asking me to pick it up?” He added: “The difficult thing is asking them to pick it up with- out getting stabbed.” He appeared to be referring to a spate of incidents in which law-abiding citizens have died after confronting yobs about anti-social behaviour.

In perhaps the most notorious case, father-of-three Garry Newlove, 47, died two days after being kicked around like a football by three youths after confronting teenage vandals outside his home in Warrington, Cheshire, in August 2007. In the same year, Evren Anil, 23, died after being threatened with a knife and suffering a heavy blow to the head when he challenged two youths who threw a half-eaten chocolate bar through his car window at traffic lights in south London.

Lyn Costello, co-founder of the charity Mothers Against Murder and Aggression, welcomed the Prince’s intervention. “I agree with him. He knows what’s going on in the world,” she said. “We have fed our children a diet of violent games, music and television and we wonder why they are violent.”

But Graham Smith, spokesman for Republic, which campaigns for an elected head of state, urged the Prince to leave contentious political issues alone. “Charles’s comments can be seen as a criticism of the Government’s handling of anti-social behaviour and knife crime and a direct endorsement of the Conservative Broken Britain agenda,” he said.

“It is unacceptable for the heir to the throne to wade into the political debate.”

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