World Cup 2010: Family crash tragedy keeps Mandela away

NELSON Mandela pulled out of the World Cup opening ceremony yesterday after his great-granddaughter was killed by a drunken driver.

A recording of former South African President Nelson Mandela A recording of former South African President Nelson Mandela

The former South African president was said to be in “deep shock” after the car taking Zenani Mandela, 13, home from a concert to celebrate the start of the tournament flipped over near a motorway exit. The driver has been charged with drunken driving and culpable homicide.

Mr Mandela’s absence cast a shadow over the celebrations, which were broadcast live in 215 countries to an estimated audience of 500 million people.

The 91-year-old had been due to make a brief appearance ahead of the first match between the host nation and Mexico at the Soccer City stadium in Johannesburg.

He has not made a public appearance since February and there have been serious concerns about his health.

But he was determined to be present at the 30-minute ceremony as a symbol of hope on the day Africa staged the world’s biggest sporting spectacle for the first time.

Instead his image appeared on a giant screen. Mr Mandela said in a recorded message: “The generosity of the human spirit can overcome all adversity. Through compassion and caring we can create hope.”

FIFA president Sepp Blatter wrote to Mr Mandela, telling him: “The entire football family mourns with you and your family, and today we stand by their side.”

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