Princes William and Harry: We miss our 'mad' mother

PRINCES William and Harry have told how they miss their mother’s madcap moments and wonder every day what she would be doing and thinking.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Princes William and Harry have told how they miss their mother s madcap moments Princes William and Harry have told how they miss their mother’s madcap moments

In an interview on TV tonight, the brothers say how constantly thinking about Princess Diana keeps them going.

William, 28, and Harry, 25, were interviewed by ITV’s Julie Etchingham for a special programme about their recent trip to Africa.

Harry, who was only 12 when Diana died in 1997 in a car crash in Paris, said: “Every day – I know I do and I’m sure William does – whatever we do, wherever we are and whoever we’re with, I particularly always wonder what she’d think, what she’d be doing if she was with us now.

“If she’d be sitting here having a laugh, whether she’d be in the background sticking her tongue out, or whether she’d be playing football with the children. That’s what keeps us going every day – that thought of what would she be like if she was around today.

“We both have our own opinion of what she’d be like and ‘mad’ would be one word to describe her.”

William, who was 15 when Diana died, said: “We’d like to think she’s proud of us, and I hope that’s the case.”

He said of his brother: “We get on very well, we have a lot of banter. We keep each other grounded. Both of us agree that you’ve got to be grounded and understand things from the bottom up.”

Asked what he admires in Harry, he said: “He’s got a big heart and he wants to make a difference.” William and Harry – the Brother Princes is on ITV1 at 7.30pm.

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