First official tour will be Canada for Prince William and his ‘perfect princess’ Kate

PRINCE William and Kate Middleton are expected to go to Canada on their first joint official overseas tour as a married couple.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Prince William and Kate Middleton are expected to go to Canada on their first official tour as a mar Prince William and Kate Middleton are expected to go to Canada on their first official tour as a mar

He has already been to Australia, New Zealand and southern Africa on official tours. And aides were acutely aware that the second in line to the throne was due a trip to Canada, the senior overseas realm.

“It will happen soon,” a courtier said only a few weeks ago.

Officials said that the future King’s marriage to Kate presents a perfect opportunity to introduce him formally to Canada, a country he has visited twice. His last trip was 12 years ago – on a skiing holiday with brother Harry and Prince Charles.


The country’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper was quick to extend a formal invitation to William and Kate after news of their engagement broke on Tuesday. Canada, like Australia and New Zealand, has a burgeoning republican movement that wants to replace the monarchy with an elected head of state.

Polls have suggested that the population is split down the middle, with many believing that the Crown is an outdated institution.

But Canadian monarchists, already buoyed by a nine-day tour by the Queen this year, are confident that the royal wedding will boost the image of monarchy.

Robert Finch, chairman of the Monarchist League of Canada, said: “If you were to draw up the perfect princess, I think that Kate Middleton would probably come as close to fitting that bill as you possibly can.”

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