Royal wedding: Camilla aids Kate Middleton’s little bridesmaid

THE Duchess of Cornwall has been reading a bedtime story to her granddaughter to prepare her for her role as a royal bridesmaid.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Camilla has been reading to her granddaughter to help her prepare for the Royal Wedding Camilla has been reading to her granddaughter to help her prepare for the Royal Wedding

Camilla told yesterday how she is training three-year-old Eliza Lopes by reading her Angelina And The Royal Wedding from the Angelina Ballerina series, which chronicles the adventures of a performing mouse.

Eliza, the eldest of three children born to Camilla’s daughter Laura and her husband Harry Lopes, will be one of five bridesmaids and two page boys at Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding on April 29.

Whether the book will relax Eliza or make her more anxious about her role remains to be seen. The plot describes how Angelina is so busy she forgets she is a bridesmaid and almost misses the big day.

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