Duchess of Cambridge takes on first royal patronage

PRINCE William's wife Kate has taken on her first royal patronage.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Duchess of Cambridge has taken on her first royal patronage The Duchess of Cambridge has taken on her first royal patronage

The Duchess of Cambridge has become patron of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry, which was set up in 2009 to allow the two young Princes to raise funds to support their favourite charities.

Kate, 29, has been closely involved with the foundation since her marriage in April but her role was formally acknowledged at a meeting of the board of trustees on September 29 that made her a patron, St James's Palace said yesterday.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has become of patron of the Foundation of the two princes

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge has become patron of The Foundation of Prince William and Prince Harry


The foundation is likely to be renamed in the near future to include a reference to her involvement. "We believe that it will provide a unique opportunity for us to use our privileged position to make a real difference in the future to many areas of charitable work," Prince William said.

"We feel passionately that, working closely together with those who contribute to our foundation, we can help to make a long-lasting and tangible difference."

Kate, who has been visiting art galleries and museums as part of her lessons to learn about Britain's national institutions and prepare her for her royal role, is interested in using the arts to help disadvantaged young people.

She is currently meeting charities before deciding which ones she wants to work with as a royal patron but she is not expected to announce any decisions until early next year.

The Duchess of Cambridge has been having royal lessons to teach her about British heritage

Last week she spent the day at the National Portrait Gallery in London. Aides do not expect her initially to become patron of the gallery or any of the other big museums and galleries she has visited. It is more likely she will focus o small charities supporting marginalised young people.

The foundation, which has raised several million pounds in the past few months, focuses on three main areas - young people, the environment, and the Armed Forces.

It has just taken on an expert in handing out grants to worthy causes. It now has four staff members: a chief executive, personal assistant, expert on fundraising and now one on handing out the cash.

Kate has been getting used to knowing herself as the Duchess of Cambridge

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