Diana: I need a marriage to Dodi like a rash on my face

ONE of Princess Diana’s closest friends poured scorn yesterday on the claims that she had been seriously planning to marry her lover Dodi Fayed.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

RUMOUR Diana confided in close friend RUMOUR: Diana confided in close friend

Diana had confided that she needed marriage to the Harrods owner’s son “like a rash on my face”, said Lady Annabel Goldsmith.

The 73-year-old socialite told the jury that she would never forget those words as they were the last she ever heard from the Princess.

She said she spoke to Diana on the phone on August 24, just a week before she and Dodi met their deaths in an underpass in Paris.

They spoke as Diana enjoyed  her last holiday, sailing with her new lover in the Mediterranean.

Lady Goldsmith told the inquest jury that Diana had confided that she was having a wonderful time with Dodi and had never been spoilt so much – but she felt it sounded like the Princess was simply trying to provoke jealousy in her previous boyfriend, the heart surgeon Hasnat Khan.

Rumours were rife in the Press that Diana and Dodi were about to get married so Lady Annabel, knowing how impulsive the Princess was, told how she raised the subject during their final phone conversation.

“I said to her laughingly, ‘You’re not doing anything silly, are you?’

“I meant, you’re not doing anything silly like rushing off and eloping or getting married?

“And she said, ‘Annabel, I need marriage like a rash on my face,’ a very Diana-ish expression.

“I took it to mean that she was not serious about marriage to Dodi.

“She might have been having a wonderful time with him, I’m sure, but I thought her remark that she needed marriage like a rash meant that she was not serious about it.”

Lady Annabel has often claimed that the conversation took place five days later, on August 29, but now says it must have been earlier in the couple’s whirlwind romance.

But she believed the letters from Diana to Dodi – heard by the jury last week – were genuine.

In one, addressed to “Darling Dodi”, Diana thanked him for “bringing such joy into this chick’s life”. In another she said she was giving him a pair of cufflinks that were her last gift from her father.

But Lady Annabel – the mother of Jemima Khan and widow of the billionaire businessman Sir James Goldsmith – said Diana wrote in gushing terms to many of her friends and had often addressed her as “darling Annabel”. She said: “I always thought that Diana wrote very effusively. Her voice was always very effusive and she wrote very effusive letters. She didn’t offer me any cufflinks but she did write very loving letters.”

Dodi’s father Mohamed Al Fayed produced the letters last week in support of his claim that the couple were murdered by British secret service agents  because she was pregnant and above to marry Dodi, a Muslim.

But Lady Annabel insisted Diana could not have been pregnant because “something” had occurred when the Princess visited her with her sons on two consecutive days at the end of July 1997.

Without explaining any further, she said: “I would say impossible. There was a reason for that. I’m confident, on the face of it, that she would not have been (pregnant).”

She said the Princess had been in love with Hasnat Khan and was “sad” about their break-up earlier that summer, just before Diana started dating Dodi Fayed.

She told how Diana had visited Hasnat’s parents when she and Lady Annabel had gone to Pakistan to help raise money for a cancer hospital set up by her former son-in-law, the cricketer Imran Khan, in 1996.

Just last week another of Diana’s closest confidantes, Rosa Monckton, told the inquest that she believed Dodi was little more than an exciting distraction from the hurt she was feeling over her break-up with Hasnat Khan.

The inquest also heard yesterday that the document in which a professor present at Diana’s post mortem examination appeared to confirm that she had been pregnant is no more than a crude forgery. The official-looking document talked of results confirming a “gestation” of nine to 10 weeks, which would  pre-date the start of Diana’s affair with Dodi.

But yesterday the letter’s alleged author – Professor Pierre Corat, head of anaesthetics at the Pitie-Salpetriere hospital in Paris – said the letter was a forgery, clearly not even written by a French person.

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