The Queen's favourite Heston Blumenthal cooks up treat for Diamond Jubilee

THE Queen's favourite celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal has cooked up a treat for her Diamond Jubilee - but his signature dishes of bacon and egg ice cream and snail porridge are off the menu.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Heston Blumenthal will be cooking up a storm for the Queen s Diamond Jubilee Heston Blumenthal will be cooking up a storm for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee

Blumenthal, who has cooked privately for the monarch and her family on several occasions in the past couple of years, has collaborated with royal chef Mark Flanagan to produce a tasty menu for 13,000 guests to picnic on at Buckingham Palace this summer before a jubilee concert.

Some 10,000 guests who won free tickets to the concert in a ballot entered by 1.35 million people will join 2,000 supporters and 1,000 performers and technicians at the picnic in the 40-acre palace garden on June 4. The Queen has tasted and approved the menu.

Blumenthal, a self-taught chef and owner of the three-Michelin-starred Fat Duck restaurant at Bray, Berkshire, has reigned in some of his more extravagant ideas to produce a picnic hamper containing seasonal British produce showcasing a resurgent national cuisine.


Your carriage and 1million people wait ma'am

London for me is just about the best city in the world to eat in

Heston Blumenthal

Diamond Jubilee procession revealed

It includes chilled British country garden soup, tea smoked Scottish salmon, Diamond Jubilee chicken - an updated version with aromatic spices of Coronation chicken, which was created for the Queen's 1953 Coronation- Sandringham strawberry crumble crunch using fruit from the Royal Family's Norfolk estate and Prince Charles's Duchy Originals cheese. There is a vegetarian option featuring mushroom parfait and versions for those allergic to gluten or other ingredients.

The 13,000 guests will get a voucher entitling them to a choice of one drink - Moet & Chandon champagne or a Cobra beer.

Blumenthal, 45, said he wanted the menu to show off the best of contemporary British cuisine and described being offended when in 2005 French President Jacques Chirac called British and Finnish food the worst in the world.

"I believe that when London won the vote to host the Olympics, the Finnish vote swung it away from Paris so that was perhaps justice," the chef said. "London for me is just about the best city in the world to eat in."

The celebrity chef, who is famed for his scientific approach to cooking, sometimes using dry ice, launched the hamper in the Bow Room at Buckingham Palace today with the in-house chef, Mr Flanagan.

"The dishes were chosen for several reasons," said Blumenthal.

"There's a practical side, they had to be served to 10 to 15,000 people, so they had to be cold.

"We also wanted dishes that are tied into the last 60 years - iconic British dishes - so that includes coronation chicken.

"The garden soup is chilled plum tomato soup, there's a cucumber in there and it's finished off with garden mint oil, that's a British twist, and finished off with a touch of vinegar.

"And what the vinegar does it makes it really mouth watery, whenever we talk about your mouth watering, you need to generate saliva.

The Queen's chef said Blumenthal's famous kitchen flourishes were unfortunately not practical.

Mr Flanagan said: "Everything has had the Heston magic applied to it. We just talked about what we thought were iconic dishes to include and talked about how we could add that contemporary twist."

He added: "We would have all loved some smoke and bubbles, but (for) this number of people fundamentally it's got to be practical."

The diners will enjoy the hampers in the palace garden before watching a start-studded concert outside the front featuring Sir Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, Sir Elton John and Kylie Minogue among others.

Mark Price, Waitrose's managing director, who attended the launch, said his company was producing and paying for the food as a personal gift to the Queen to mark her Diamond Jubilee.

The hamper menu is a one-off and, apart from the Duchy Original products, will not be available to buy. But the recipes for the dishes will be available in Waitrose stores for patriotic Britons to use at Diamond Jubilee street parties.

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