British public support The Queen more than ever before, says poll

THE British public overwhelmingly supports the monarchy, new opinion polls showed yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen is more popular than ever The Queen is more popular than ever

Backing for the Crown is at an all- time high on the eve of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and following last year’s Royal Wedding.

More than half the public say they will celebrate the Queen’s 60-year reign during the coming double Bank Holiday weekend and a majority plan to watch the River Thames pageant on television on Sunday.

A YouGov opinion poll found that 57 per cent of Britons say they are proud of the Royal Family and three-quarters of the public feel the monarchy should be kept rather an elected head of state.

More than two-thirds (67 per cent) think that, generally speaking, the monarchy is good for Britain, while 60 per cent think that the institution will still exist 100 years from now.

It's a sign of progress that advance notice can be given to allow public presence

First Minister Peter Robinson said yesterday


An Ipsos Mori poll found a record 80 per cent in favour of Britain remaining a monarchy compared with just 13 per cent who want to see it becoming a republic, against an average 20 per cent over the past few decades.

It also found further encouraging news for the Queen, who has made the succession a key theme of this weekend’s celebrations with attention focusing on her immediate heirs.

After years of at best ambivalence towards Prince Charles and Camilla, there are signs of the public slowly coming round to accepting her son and heir as the next monarch, rather than her grandson, the second-in-line to the throne Prince William.

The Ipsos Mori Diamond Jubilee poll shows 51 per cent of British adults think Charles should not step aside in favour of his eldest son William, although 40 per cent still think he should.

This represents a shift in favour of Charles since last year when the country was split with 46 per cent in favour of the Prince of Wales giving way to William and 47 per cent against.


Simon Atkinson, deputy chief executive of Ipsos Mori, said: “The Queen enters the Diamond Jubilee celebrations with support for the monarchy running at record levels. The public has a less settled view on who should succeed her, although we are now seeing a stronger sense that it should be Charles than we were 12 months ago.”

The YouGov poll showed that more Britons (23 per cent) were most looking forward to the jubilee celebrations, compared with the Olympics (21 per cent), or the Euro 2012 football championships (20 per cent).

More than half the population (52 per cent) intends to watch the river pageant, either on TV or in person along the Thames.

Buckingham Palace reflected the national mood by announcing in advance the Queen’s jubilee visit to Northern Ireland, a two-day trip to Enniskillen and Belfast on June 26 and 27, where a first meeting with the province’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, a former IRA commander turned Sinn Fein politician, looks increasingly on the cards.

She shook hands with a local Sinn Fein councillor on her historic visit to the Irish Republic last year but has never met senior figures in the republican party in Northern Ireland or the IRA, which killed her Uncle Dickie, Lord Mountbatten, in 1979.

It is the first time since the Troubles that a tour to Ulster by the monarch has been announced in advance. She last visited Northern Ireland in 2010 and toured the province during her Silver and Golden Jubilees in 1977 and 2002.

“It's a sign of progress that advance notice can be given to allow public presence,” First Minister Peter Robinson said yesterday.

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