Diamond Jubilee: Gratitude and praise for our solitary sovereign

ALTHOUGH she managed a smile for the thousands outside, the Queen appeared to cut a sadly solitary ­figure amid the splendour of St Paul’s Cathedral yesterday.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Royal Family at the service to mark The Queen s Diamond Jubilee at St Paul s Cathedral The Royal Family at the service to mark The Queen's Diamond Jubilee at St Paul's Cathedral

In her 60 years on the throne she has undertaken many solo engagements but, walking up the steps towards the Great West Door of Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece, she looked lost without Prince Philip, her mainstay down the decades, at the national service of thanksgiving for her Diamond Jubilee.

The 2,000-strong congregation turned towards her as she arrived to a fanfare.

A few feet in front of her the Lord Mayor of London David Wootton bore the ceremonial Pearl Sword behind the other senior Royals, Prince Charles, the Duchess of ­Cornwall, the Duke and Duchess of ­Cambridge, and Prince Harry.

The Queen kept to one side, perhaps subconsciously leaving a space for where Philip would have been had he not fallen ill on Monday.

We are marking six decades of ­living proof that public service is possible and that it is a place where happiness can be found

Archbishop of ­Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams

“How are you?” asked Charles when she reached the hastily rearranged front row and went to sit next to him. “Keeping up, yes, keeping up,” she replied and smiled.

She and Philip had been supposed to sit just ahead of the rest of the Royals but, in her husband’s absence, she sat with her close ­family all on one row.

In his sermon, Archbishop of ­Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams said: “We are marking today the anniversary of one historic and very public act of dedication – a dedication that has endured faithfully, calmly and generously through most of the adult lives of most of us here.

“We are marking six decades of ­living proof that public service is possible and that it is a place where happiness can be found.”

Using St Paul’s words about sacrifice as the theme of his sermon, he added: “I don’t think it’s at all fanciful to say that, in all her public engagements, our Queen has shown a quality of joy in the happiness of others.

“She has responded with just the generosity St Paul speaks of in showing honour to countless local communities and individuals of every background and class and race.

“She has made her ‘public’ happy and all the signs are that she is herself happy, fulfilled and at home in these encounters.” Then came a hastily inserted addition. “The same, of course, can manifestly be said of Prince Philip. And our prayers and thoughts are very much with him.”

Prime Minister David Cameron was joined in the congregation by his Conservative predecessor Sir John Major, Commonwealth prime ministers, and prominent British politicians including Foreign Secretary William Hague, Labour leader Ed Miliband, and London Mayor Boris Johnson.

The Queen’s head was bowed as Captain Giles Sugdon of the Queen’s Own Gurkha Logistic Regiment implored: “Almighty God, the fountain of all goodness, we humbly beseech thee to bless Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Charles, Princes of Wales and all the Royal Family.” The prayer was already in the service but assumed greater poignancy as the Duke recovers in hospital from a bladder infection.

Throughout the Jubilee, the Queen’s wardrobe, every item of which was prepared by Angela Kelly and her small in-house team at Buckingham Palace, has drawn admiring comment. Yesterday in a shimmering mint green Angela Kelly silk tulle coat, dress and matching hat, embellished by tiny silver ­florals and scattered with Swarovski crystals, she shone.

Chairman of the British Fashion Council Harold Tillman said: “From the river pageant to today’s service, everything the Queen has worn has had a glitter of diamond, which I think is very clever. I am very proud.” Outside St Paul’s, the thousands who had gathered since early morning were delighted to see their monarch. A huge cheer erupted after the service as the Queen emerged.

The Very Reverend David Ison, Dean of St Paul’s, guided her to a carved inscription marking Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, dated June 22, 1897 – the last and only other time in history a monarch has reached 60 years on the throne.

Watching was Rachael Andrews, 42, from Southend, Essex, who rose at 3.30am to travel to the event with her son and two daughters.

She said: “My children wanted to watch it on television but I told them the atmosphere would be so different if we were there. This will be something they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.”


● Diamond Jubilee: 'Sad' Prince Philip is feeling lots better

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