Queen comforts IRA victims

THE Queen comforted victims of one of the IRA’s worst terrorist massacres yesterday at the start of her two-day Diamond Jubilee visit to Northern Ireland.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

The Queen with Prince Philip yesterday accepting fl owers from the people of Enniskillen The Queen with Prince Philip yesterday accepting fl owers from the people of Enniskillen

She went to Enniskillen, 25 years after 11 people died and 63 were wounded in a Poppy Day bomb attack on Protestant families commemorating the dead of two world wars at a remembrance service in the Co Fermanagh town.

The 86-year-old monarch, who today in an act of reconciliation will shake hands for the first time with former IRA commander Martin McGuinness, the Sinn Fein Deputy First Minister of the province, spent 20 minutes talking in private to seven relatives who lost loved ones in the attack.

The outrage was carried out at a time when British and Irish intelligence officials say Mr McGuinness was in overall charge of the Provisional IRA’s Northern Command and hence responsible for the attack, although he insists he had left the terrorist organisation before then.

Intelligence sources say he was also a key figure in the terrorist organisation when it assassinated Lord Louis Mountbatten, the Queen’s second cousin and Prince Philip’s favourite uncle, in 1979.

Today is a bitter-sweet experience because we’re all victims and we would prefer not to be victims

Margaret Veitch

The irony of commemorating the Enniskillen atrocity and then meeting the man held ultimately responsible was not lost on the relatives who met the Queen.

Margaret Veitch, whose parents William and Nessie Mullan both died in the bombing, said: “She was very sympathetic to us. She was very gracious.

“I am absolutely honoured that she came to Enniskillen.

“Today is a bitter-sweet experience because we’re all victims and we would prefer not to be victims.”

Stephen Gault, who was wounded and saw his father Sam die in the bombing on November 8, 1987, said: “Nobody has been brought to justice for Enniskillen so it’s very hard for the families to accept Mr McGuinness shaking the Queen’s hand.”

Noel McIlfatrick, whose wife and children were injured and whose brother-in-law Edward Armstrong was killed in the attack, said: “I don’t think she should shake hands with Martin McGuinness. I certainly wouldn’t shake his hand. It will be difficult for the Queen.” Others, however, said the public revulsion towards the Provisionals that followed the 1987 bombing ultimately led to an IRA rethink and the start of the peace process.

Robin Eames, the former Anglican Primate of All Ireland, who was in the town that day, said: “I believe the handshake is another milestone in the peace process in Northern Ireland. It is a genuine step forward.”

The bombing also inspired one of the conflict’s greatest moments of Christian forgiveness when Gordon Wilson, an Enniskillen draper, spoke hours after the bomb had killed his 20-year-old daughter Marie, a nurse.

Describing her death, he said: “She held my hand tightly and gripped me as hard as she could. She said, ‘Daddy, I love you very much.’ Those were her exact words to me, and those were the last words I ever heard her say. But I bear no ill will. I bear no grudge.” Of her IRA killers, he said: “I will pray for these men tonight and every night.”

Mr Wilson, who later met IRA chiefs and appealed for a ceasefire, died of a heart attack aged 67 in 1995 . His widow, Joan, who has carried on his fight for peace, was too unwell to meet the Queen yesterday.

Accompanied by Prince Philip in Enniskillen, the Queen visited a Northern Irish Roman Catholic church for the first time and opened the town’s new hospital, where she met eight-year-old heart disease sufferer Conall Corrigan, who asked her where her crown was.

“I do not always bring it with me,” she told him.

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