Mummy will be looking down, having a giggle

PRINCE Harry hopes he would have made his mother Princess Diana proud by serving in Afghanistan.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

Prince Harry talks to a Gurkha soldier Prince Harry talks to a Gurkha soldier

Harry, 23, who was just 12 when his mother was killed in a car crash in Paris in August 1997, said: “Hopefully she would be proud.

“She would be looking down having a giggle about the stupid things that I’ve been doing, like going left when I should have gone right, finding myself in an awkward position earlier today.




While vivid details of Diana’s private life were being picked over at a marathon inquest at the High Court in London, Harry has been thousands of miles away on the front line in Helmand Province.

He said: “William sent me a letter saying how proud he reckons that she would be.” But he added: “I haven’t really had a chance to sit down and think about it much.

“There are other people out here who’ve lost one of their parents, I’m sure it’s the same for them. If you think about stuff like that then you’re only going to feel sorry for yourself – just get on with the job, have a laugh with the blokes, if you want to feel sorry for yourself do it when you get back.”




He went on: “You worry about yourself, you worry about the blokes you’re looking after. You know, at the end of the day I’m an officer and you’re supposed to be able to look after everybody and that’s the way it is – you come last.”

It was during a visit with his mother to the Light Dragoons’ Bergen-Hohne barracks in Germany in 1993 when he was just eight years old that a now-famous photograph of Harry peering out of the turret of a tank was taken. When Harry eventually joined the Army he chose the Household Cavalry as his regiment and trained as a Scimitar armoured vehicle – or light tank – troop leader.

Despite later retraining as a battlefield air controller, known as a JTAC or FAC, in Afghanistan he has been using his old skills commanding a Spartan armoured vehicle during manoeuvres.

The Prince also admitted there were times he wished he was not a royal. “I wish that quite a lot actually,” he said. “William and I have said numerous times that there’s a lot of opportunities that we miss out on – as well as getting a lot of chances – for who we are.

“But at the beginning of 2007 it was very hard and I did think, ‘Well, clearly one of the main reasons that I’m not likely to be going was the fact of who I am’.

“But at the same time I’m very grateful for the job that I’ve got and the way that things are.”

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