Hard-working Kate sets a Royal standard

THE Duchess of Cambridge plans to take things easier this year, but the Queen and Prince Philip have vowed no let-up in 2013.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Kate s pregnancy means she is unlikely to be on public duty as much as last year Kate’s pregnancy means she is unlikely to be on public duty as much as last year

Kate’s pregnancy, accompanied by recurring bouts of acute morning sickness, means she is unlikely to be on public duty as much as last year when she completed 111 official royal engagements.

However, the Queen and Prince Philip, despite turning 87 and 92 respectively this year, face a gruelling schedule of visits across Britain, as well as two overseas tours.

Figures published yesterday showed the 30-year-old Duchess’s tally of 111 royal visits, including 36 overseas engagements, in her first full year as a royal, was well up on 2011 when she undertook 34 duties in her first eight months after her wedding in April 2011.

But her delicate condition, coupled with Prince William’s need to spend more time on duty as an RAF search-and-rescue helicopter pilot to get his flying hours up, are expected to lead the couple to shun the limelight for much of the first half of the year.

In her Diamond Jubilee year, the Queen undertook 425 engagements, up from 370 in 2011. Philip – who suffered a blocked coronary artery last Christmas and had two spells last year in hospital with bladder infections – was on public duty 325 times, down on the 330 he undertook in 2011, according to figures complied by veteran royal watcher Tim O’Donovan.

The royal couple, who will be marking the 60th anniversary of the Coronation this year, have drawn up a busy programme of events with their advisers for 2013, including the two overseas tours, defying repeated predictions that they would cease travelling overseas when the Queen got to 80.

Courtiers and diplomats on the Royal Visits Committee have pencilled in a foreign tour for the couple on behalf of the Government in the late spring or early summer.

They are also expected to tour Sri Lanka before opening the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in Colombo in November.

A senior royal aide said: “It’s going to be a very busy year. It’s very much business as usual. And, God willing, there will be a royal baby to celebrate.”

With William and Kate sidelined, much of the burden of work to fulfil the monarchy’s aim of undertaking 3,000 official engagements per year will fall on other members of the family.


The figures published yesterday showed that last year Prince Charles maintained his position as the hardest-working royal, completing 592 duties. Princess Anne was next busiest with 566.

Prince Harry, who left for Afghanistan in September and is due back soon after a four-month deployment as an Apache helicopter pilot, is also expected to weigh in with royal duties later this year.

Harry, 28, undertook 61 official royal engagements, of which 34 were overseas, in 2012 before heading to the front line.

Kate, who will be 31 next Wednesday, is expected to announce a handful of new charity patronages in the near future and is likely to undertake some duties on their behalf before she goes off on maternity leave.


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