Godmother Zara Phillips shows off her own baby bump at Prince George's christening

ZARA Phillips showed off her baby bump today as she attended the christening of her godson Prince George.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent

Zara Phillips has been named as one of the godparents of Prince George Zara Phillips has been named as one of the godparents of Prince George [PA]


THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have named their cousin and six close friends as godparents to their son Prince George.

Zara, who is pregnant with her own first child, was one of a number of surprise names on the list. 

George, the three-month-old future King, was baptised by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, at the Chapel Royal in St James’s Palace this afternoon.

His seven godparents include William and Kate’s principal private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton, a former SAS officer who has acted as mentor to both William, Kate, and Prince Harry.

In a statement, Kensington Palace said the other godparents were Oliver Baker, Emilia Jardine-Paterson, Earl Grosvenor, Julia Samuel and William van Cutsem.


Zara Phillips, Mike TindallZara Phillips with Mike Tindall at the christening [PA]

Oliver Baker was at the University of St Andrews with William and Kate. Emilia, who runs an interior design company called d’Erlanger and Sloan, was at Marlborough College with Kate and was once mentioned as a possible wife for William. Her husband, scion of a wealthy family that made its money in the Far East, was in the same year as William at Eton.

Another godparent is Hugh, Earl Grosvenor, the son of the Duke of Westminster, and another old friend of William’s.

At 22, Earl Grosvenor, the heir to the Duke of Westminster’s vast property empire, is the youngest of the godparents.

Prince Harry was among the 800 guests at his lavish 21st birthday party at Eaton Hall, the family’s country mansion in Cheshire, in February last year.  

 Oliver Baker and Emilia Jardine-Paterson are Prince George's godparents [REX]

 William with Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton [PA]


In a nod to his mother, William has named Julia Samuel as one of the godparents. She was one of Princess Diana’s closest friends. William has remained close to her and they have worked together through the Child Bereavement Trust, which counts the Prince as its patron.

William van Cutsem, is a childhood friend of William and Harry. He and his three brothers were part of the Princes’ surrogate family during Charles and Diana’s bitter divorce. The two princes would be packed off to their house in Norfolk regularly for weekends.

The ceremony, held in the chapel where Diana was laid to rest the week before her funeral, will be a small, private affair.

Other members of the Royal Family in attendance were the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles, Camilla, and Harry.

Kate’s parents, Michael and Carole Middleton, were also present along with her siblings, Pippa and James.

 Earl Grosvenor will also be a godparent [ALAN DAVIDSON]

George wore the a handmade replica of the Royal Christening Robe made in 1841 for the christening of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter, Victoria, Princess Royal.

The original gown was worn by the babies at all royal christenings until 2008, when the Queen commissioned her dressmaker and personal assistant Angela Kelly to make a replica to preserve the original. Prince Edward and Sophie’s son, James, Viscount Severn, was the first to wear it.

The Lily Font, a silver baptismal font commissioned by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840 for the birth of their first child, Victoria, was used along with water from the River Jordan. It has been used at every christening since 1841.

 Julia Samuel and William van Cutsem are close friends of William and Kate [WENN]

Following the service, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall gave a private tea party in Clarence House, where guests were served slices of christening cake, a tier taken from William and Kate’s wedding cake.

The cake, designed by Fiona Cairns, was made from 17 individual fruit cakes and had eight tiers.

The cake was decorated with cream and white icing using the Joseph Lambeth technique. There were up to 900 individually iced flowers and leaves of 17 different varieties decorated on the cake.

A garland design around the middle of the cake matched the architectural garlands decorated around the top of the Picture Gallery in Buckingham Palace, the room in which the cake was displayed during the wedding.

Zara Phillips, Kate, William, royal, godparentsZara Phillips with Kate and William [REX]

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