The Longest Day: Nations' tribute to brave men of D-Day landings

THEIR numbers have dwindled but their pride and courage remain boundless.

By Richard Palmer, Royal Correspondent, John Ingham

Normandy, normandy beaches, WW2, World War Two, D-Day landings, 70th Anniversary, France, military, army, allied forces, fighting, Erwin Rommel, ChurcMembers of Royal Wootton Basset Normandy Veterans Association gather on Sword Beach[GETTY]

The last of the heroes who struck a decisive blow to free Europe from Nazi tyranny will be back in Normandy today as the world prepares to honour their sacrifice.

Exactly 70 years to the day when 156,000 Allied troops landed in northern France on D-Day, heralding the largest seaborne invasion in history, the Queen and senior members of the Royal Family are joining the heads of 16 other states to pay tribute to hundreds of veterans.

US President Barack Obama and ­Russian President Vladimir Putin will be among the leaders gathering at Sword Beach, near Caen, to commemorate the anniversary.

Up to 200,000 people are expected at many other ceremonies over the next few days to fete the veterans, including around 650 from Britain. In their late 80s and 90s, many are returning to Normandy for the last time.

“We welcome our liberators,” the signs outside the port at Ouistreham, near Sword Beach, read yesterday as the old soldiers swapped stories and remembered their fallen comrades.

he place that upsets me is the cemetery because there are all those chaps there who were mostly 20 or 21 and should have had a whole life ahead of them

Major Hugh Pond

Major Hugh Pond, 91, said in Ranville, the first village liberated: “The place that upsets me is the cemetery because there are all those chaps there who were mostly 20 or 21 and should have had a whole life ahead of them.”

As a young lieutenant with the 9th Battalion, the Parachute Regiment, he helped storm the German gun battery at nearby Merville amid chaos and gunfire.

Major Pond, who spent nine years as a Daily Express defence reporter after leaving the Army in the 1950s, was among 75 veterans of the 6th Airborne Division who met Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall at a lunch in Ranville.

Earlier, Charles and Camilla went to the first place liberated by the Allies, Pegasus Bridge, where glider-borne troops commanded by Major John Howard made the breakthrough in a midnight raid hours before 130,000 stormed the beaches.

In a devastating 10 minutes the men from 2nd Battalion The Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 249th (Airborne) Field Company Royal Engineers and the Glider Pilot Regiment captured the crucial bridge over the Caen canal and the Ranville Bridge – now Horsa Bridge – over the River Orne.

The heroic attack, which paved the way for the Allies to surge inland, was immortalised in the 1962 film The Longest Day.

Charles laid a wreath at the exact spot where one of the six Horsa gliders landed before talking to veterans.

In his capacity as Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps, he also laid a wreath where Lt R A Smith’s glider landed next to Pegasus Bridge. His note said simply: “In ever-grateful remembrance of your service and sacrifice, Charles.”

None of the men who captured Pegasus Bridge is still alive but the Prince and Camilla met other D-Day veterans.

Alex Reith, 92, a Staff Sergeant who landed at Ranville in a glider, flew in from Durban in South Africa for his first visit to Normandy since 1944.

He said: “The Prince was interested in where I had come from. I have never been to any of the other commemorations and I don’t think I will be around for the 75th, so I thought I’d better come this time.”

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