Zara sizzles while Ascot goes all coy

BY Zara Phillips’ standards the outfit may have been less racy than usual.

By Richard Palmer Royal Correspondent, Royal Correspondent

KISS AND HUG Zara with uncle Charles KISS AND HUG: Zara with uncle Charles

But she was still able to show off her vivacious spirit at Royal Ascot yesterday.

The Queen’s granddaughter toned down her ensemble in the face of a stricter dress code.

It did not affect her behaviour, however, as she greeted friends and relatives – young and old alike – with a distinctly non-regal hug and kiss.

Zara, 27, who has previously flouted Ascot’s insistence on formal day wear with head-turning outfits, was a model of decorum in a cream pussy bow blouse, high-waisted black skirt and flower and feather detailed hat.

She exuberantly greeted TV presenter Willie Carson, her uncle Prince Charles, and cousins Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie, who were visiting Royal Ascot for the first time.

It was Eugenie who flirted dangerously with the dress code. A month after she was reprimanded for frolicking naked in the grounds of £26,000-a-year Marlborough College, Eugenie, 18, wore a dress five inches above the knee.

Ascot officials have stipulated that miniskirts are “unsuitable” but Eugenie’s cream Collette Dinnigan dress, contrasting with an electric blue Philip Treacy hat and blue jacket, did not  incur the wrath of the fashion police.

Ascot spokesman Nick Smith said: “It’s obvious to anyone with any common sense what is formal day wear and what isn’t.” And the dress code didn’t affect the weird and wonderful hats on display.

Beatrice, 19, was taking no chances though, with her demure Alexander McQueen combination and Philip Treacy hat.

“The sisters were so excited,” said one friend. “They’ve been waiting years to come to this.”

Designer Tracy Rose beat the mini ban with an  adjustable dress – long for the Royal Enclosure, short everywhere else. She said: “The code has affected the mood. Women in the 21st century are not used to so many rules.”

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