Pub sign promising free beer for topless women slammed by local residents

A PUB sign offering free beer for topless women has been slammed as "offensive and derogatory" by outraged locals.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

The Jolly Brewer in Brighton has now removed the internet-sourced joke The Jolly Brewer in Brighton has now removed the internet-sourced joke [GOOGLE]

Landlords had hoped to raise a smile with a joke copied from the internet, which read: "Men no shirt, no service. Women no shirt, free beer."

However regulars at The Jolly Brewer in Brighton, East Sussex, failed to see the funny side and condemned the blackboard message as akin to something from another era.

Resident Amy Phipps, 29, who spotted men in their 40s jeering and laughing at the sign, said: "It's just offensive and derogatory.

"There are schools near here, it worries me young girls and children could see it and think it's acceptable to objectify women.

"Sadly these comments are common but it's shocking when it's right in front of you".

It's like going back to the 1970s

Kevin Guigera

The reputation of the pub suffered another blow when a local newspaper reporter, who approached the pub for a comment on the divisive sign, was asked by a customer if she had come to "take her top off".

Local homeowner Kevin Guigera, 59, said the sign made the pub sound cheap and tacky.

"It's like going back to the 1970s," he added.

But pub landlady Nicky Hills' partner, Gary Hills said that he "couldn't believe" that the phrase had sparked criticism – which he said came from "very sad people".

Mr Hills said the slogan was found on a website which suggests funny anecdotes for pub signs.

He said: "We put a new sign out each week to make people laugh.

"The landlady picked it, so she doesn't mind.

"We've taken it down now but we just can't believe this has happened. It was just a joke and everyone we have spoken to thought it was funny.

"We saw people take pictures, smiling as they walked past".

A 23-year-old worker at nearby Corner News And Booze commented on the controversial sign, saying: "It's not offensive. There are more important things to worry about".

But Brighton-resident Angela Upton added: "It's a joke purely for men who are misogynistic and are unlikely to treat women with the respect they deserve".

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