Worried parents name and shame 'People who Park like Prats' on viral Facebook page

AN EXASPERATED group of parents have set-up a Facebook page to publicly shame examples of bad parking outside a nearby primary school.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Some examples of the vehicles named and shamed outside the Hampshire schools Some examples of the vehicles named and shamed outside the Hampshire schools [IG]

'People who Park like Prats' is the brainchild of a small group of concerned parents who say the terrible parking outside Horndean Infant and Junior School, in Hampshire, is endangering their children.

Members of the group snap photos of any shameful examples of parking nearby the school – then leave a note telling the driver about their new-found online infamy.

A mum-of-three, who helped kickstart the site and wished to remain anonymous, explained: "We all became fed up with the parking from parents who dumped their cars on yellow lines, junctions and the zig-zags.

We take photos and discretely as possible because people can be quite aggressive. People don't take to it too kindly

Co-founder of 'People who Park like Prats'

"We take photos and discretely as possible because people can be quite aggressive.

"I have been involved in a couple of road rage incidents. People don't take to it too kindly."

The vigilante parking attendant claims her photos have made a noticeable difference – and that their group is only driven by genuine concern for a serious accident.

She added: "We can't get over people who would rather drive around and around for 10 minutes looking for somewhere to park when they could park half a mile away and walk it.

"I can't believe the laziness of some people."

Since the Facebook page started, the yellow zone close to the infant and junior schools has been repainted, extended and fitted with two more signs warning people not to park there.

Acting headteacher Lou Bund said: "I understand the parents' concerns."

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