Britain's most dedicated student? Teen sits exam just minutes after being STABBED by thugs

MEET Britain's most dedicated student – who sat an exam just minutes after he was STABBED four times with a screwdriver.

By Aaron Brown, Express Affiliate Development Editor with 10 years of experience writing about the latest developments in consumer technology, product reviews, and buying advice

Unlucky teen Bradley Halton was on his way to Barking & Dagenham College when he was STABBED four times Unlucky teen Bradley Halton was on his way to Barking & Dagenham College when he was STABBED [IG]

Bradley Halton, 18, was attacked by a violent gang of thugs on his way to an east London college.

The teenager was viciously assaulted with the tool in the back of his thigh.

However, he proceeded to clog his open wounds with tissue paper before continuing on to sit the test, which was part of his second year painting and decorating course at Barking & Dagenham College.

After finishing his test, Bradley called his girlfriend to explain how he had been beaten and stabbed in the thigh.

Panicked and concerned, she dialled 999.

I was thinking he was lying in a gutter somewhere. But he just carried on and went to college to sit the exam after getting some tissues to put in the holes in his leg

Donna Halton

Bradley was then rushed to the nearby Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel where he was given stitches for the ragged screwdriver wounds in his right leg.

Bradley's mum Donna, 41, said she feared her son was dead after receiving a call from the London hospital telling her that her son had been stabbed on his way to school.

She said: "I was thinking he was lying in a gutter somewhere.

"But he just carried on and went to college to sit the exam after getting some tissues to put in the holes in his leg. 

"He loves college and has just gone into his second year."

After spending a couple of days resting at home with his family in Dagenham, the ardent academic insisted he had made a full recovery and would be returning to college.

Bradley said he was racially abused by the gang who attacked him in the park – as the group of four men kicked and punched him another repeatedly stabbed his leg.

The student's friends have said he is totally committed to completing his course and getting a job.

One said: "He must be the most dedicated exam candidate. He told us the pain got worse the longer he spent on the exam, but nothing would stop him completing it."

A statement from Scotland Yard explained that the stabbing was "a motiveless attack".

The spokesman said: "At 2.45pm on September 16, police were called by London Ambulance Service to the home of an 18-year-old man from Dagenham who had suffered a stab wound to his leg.

"The victim alleged that he was attacked from behind by a group of Asian males at 9am that morning. 

"He was punched and kicked to the ground and stabbed in the thigh.

"This appears to have been a motiveless attack. No property was stolen."

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